我也是在北京考的。就把机经放在这位同志的后面吧。 AA40. AI130. 作文一定要多练,我就是练的太少,速度不够。尤其是issue部分。 Verbal部分碰到了很多道机经上的题,非常感谢CD的兄弟姐妹们。我希望能够贡献一 点力量,但不知道十月份的题库会不会变。以下是我遇到的题:
阅读:1)viligence 2)黑人工会 3)妇女的food preparation 4)还 有一个忘了
1)Something has reduced the fears of oil shortage with the result of the increase in automobiles use worldwide.划线部分 是从with开始到use.
b. ,thus resulting in the increase in using automobiles
c. and thus resulted in the increase in automobiles use
2) Finally reaching a decision ..., politicians have decided to propone for at least five years a project which would ..., instead they proposed a project of several steps, by which they intend to protect the fish. 划线部分是 从politicians开始到intend
b. politicians have decided ...and instead they proposed a project of several steps, intending
c. politicians have decided ..., proposing instead a project of several steps intended 很抱歉,只记得这些了。 数学部分考的时候感觉应该是满分,但是只得了49。真的不知道问题出在 哪里。 再次感谢CD对我的帮助,希望大家都能取得好成绩。 |