AA: “On average, 9 out of every 1,000 passengers who traveled on Avia Airlines last year filed a complaint about our baggage-handling procedures. This means that although some 1 percent of our passengers were unhappy with those procedures, the overwhelming majority were quite satisfied with them; thus it would appear that a review of the procedures is not important to our goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avia’s passengers. AI: 81. “No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or ‘get rich’ in business by conforming to conventional practices or ways of thinking." 数学: 002,012,038,056,057,060,061,065,072,078,125,126,138,140(变体,要自己算下)。154,159,168,172,180,188 056,给的是I:1 II:,4,III: 9 , 选I, II. 061,I 是加60之前小于110,II是加60后小于120,这个B我算了很久。差点算错,结果还是选d. 125,给的答案里没有跟号15除5,但是算下是根号0.6 168的I :忘了是多少,但肯定很快能算出是肯定可以推出答案的。II 总捐款额为500,000元,跟JJ一样。我选的是D 还有几道,有一道是要用到一元二次方程求解的那个公式的 还有就是a1=-15, sn=某个数,求an,我记得是18,因为a1是负的,为了保险,我穷举了一下。 someone's salary is 500 base + 10% of the sales amount over 5000, if X thousand (x>5) is the sales, what's the total salary in X ,这个算了很久,是100x. Certain stock broker will increase the fee from 8 points(还是什么别的表述单位) to 12 points, 1PERCENT=100 points,how much increased dollar for the fee of a $10000 transaction?就是先转换下points变成多少percent,再算。 m and n are integers, |m-n|=|m|-|n|? (1) m+n>0 (2) m-n>0 应该还有几道,比较简单,算算就出来了。 verbal,我做得很赶,最后只余了4分钟,前10题用了23分钟,阅读就比较慌,又紧张了,后面的sc也很难 CR: 14,公司福利 一个人说公司用在员工假期PARTY和Retreat的费用太多,公司利润下降,另一个人说如果减少这些费用,那些SKILLED的人就不开心.问两这之间的联系. 公司利润是否有skilled people 来决定(确定) 23,南北部工人存款 在B市a larger percentage of 南部的工作人员得了bonus than 北部的工作人员. 而且a larger percentage of南部得奖的人save money than 北部得奖的人员.therefore, 南部存钱的人一定比北部存钱的人多, 因为________ 我选 南北部工作人员的数量一样 (确定) 34,吃香蕉 某种香蕉一直是某南美国家人民饮食的重要组成部分,可惜该香蕉特容易生一种病而坏掉。为了防病,建议用一个新的转基因香蕉品种,该品种是在原来香蕉的基础上添加了一种什么C开头的蛋白质,C蛋白能有效防止香蕉再得那种病。通常情况下给crops introduce转基因都会引起一些health concern,但是这个香蕉case没有这种问题,因为这种C蛋白在大米里含量很丰富,而亚洲和非洲国家人民们吃大米吃了几千年都没事儿。 问怎么weak这个argument: 选项有(排列顺序与题目给出的不一样,注意!) 1.C蛋白是新品种和老品种的唯一不同 2.有C蛋白的大米比没有C蛋白的大米更能抵抗这种病 3.新品种里的C蛋白会不利于其他一些益虫的生存,这些益虫原本可以帮助提高产量的 4.不记得了,反正不是很靠谱 5.通常持某种粮食吃久了的人民就会tolerate这种粮食了,(确定) 我选的5 37,区域升级 在XXXX-1990(ms是),某地区的被升级为城市的communities人口从21%到43%吧好像,总人口不变,足够升级为cities的communities却降低(了)11个,一直是大城市级别的有现在只有13个了。好像是这样不很确定。问归纳题 我选的是,population static request level raised the for cities
我选的是,population static request level raised the for cities 41,鲸鱼的叫声 说科学家argue whale 发一种声音来repeat its patten(看了好久才懂,这个是阵列的意思), 然后问support: 我 选的是 这种声音越来越频繁,when whale 游的时间越长之类的。 反正support是有因有果的类型。 我选的也是这个,
我选的也是这个, 57,不动产不景气 The total market value of real estate in Altonville has steadily declined over the past four years. This decline has meant that the overall figure on which the city’s property tax is based—the assessed value of that real estate—has also declined. The percentage of assessed value that was paid as property taxes to the city, however, did not change from year to year during this period. The information above most strongly supports which of the following? A. The percentage of Altonville’s yearly revenue that comes from money collected in property taxes did not change over the past four years. B. The percentage of Altonville’s yearly revenue that comes from money collected in property taxes has declined steadily over the past four years. C. The amount of revenue that Altonville collected from property taxes was lower last year than it was four years ago.(确定) D. During the past four years, Altonville officials increased tax rates on other sources of revenue such as retail sales and business profits. E. Altonville will soon require property owners to pay a higher percentage of the assessed value of their property as property tax.
RC救了我一命,特别是阅读作了2篇,时间特别紧张的时候 sc:几乎没有基金,都比较难,有3-4道都是蒙的。我记得有这道,忘了具体的了,我也选的yet的那个选项,大概是第二个“17. 有一題我選yet當連接詞“
sc:几乎没有基金,都比较难,有3-4道都是蒙的。我记得有这道,忘了具体的了,我也选的yet的那个选项,大概是第二个“17. 有一題我選yet當連接詞“ 还有fish--scout那个,我觉得并不难,看主语就能挑出来3个不行,有几道都是主谓一致的<总体来说都很难,不能很简单的选出正确的。 RC: 女性财产权,选项比较难,有一道是关于那些在1764年后的tax officer 会怎样看待对妇女收税的标准的。跟基金列的问题都不一样,建议大家仔细读读。 爱尔兰民族解放问题与妇女问题,选项没有可以一下看出来的,都有2个比较绕的,实在记不得具体的了 应该是下面的3个, 第一题问主题,我选的是evaluate 一个traditional研究方法的potential shortcomings 第二题highlight新政府的政策(原文是political factors)了,问作者同意哪个观点?我选的是其实这些不是造成限制女权的真正原因 第三题很具体,针对列出那些原因的一句话, 返回原文应该容易找到答案,是一个跟女性的economic status有关的问题,我选的答案是女性找wage labors有限制,这个选项好像是所有选项中唯一一个跟经济有关的 23. 文化产业-productivity.
1. 法国大革命
1. 法国大革命 8点15就到了,找了半天才找到原来pearson在写字楼。昨晚没睡好,大概只睡了3个小时,只记得这么多. |