刚考完,上海一战,M50, V 40;740 比预期低了一点 考的时候超级紧张 上海场条件不错 但是太安静 我第一次带3m耳塞西 整场考试听的最清楚的就是自己的心跳。。。大家可以自己先实验下 如果觉得戴耳塞影响做题干脆不带了 考场基本上是非常安静的 M感觉越做越简单,最后几道题都是很简单的计算,吓的我一位进入超级地分区 ,事实证明这种难度也是有50的,所以大家做的时候不要想难度,一题一题往下做。rp不行,几经只碰到一些,不是很多,而且有些题目何几经有出入,做题时一定要看清题目自己算。 我最后一道math貌似是,一种tire中,tread的重量占了40%,tread随着不断使用在最后会lose50%的重量,而tire其他部分的重量不变,问最后tread的重量站剩下的tire总重量的百分之几,这种难度都到了最后一道,大家做题是碰到简单题一定要有信心。答案 20% /(60%+20%)=25%,太直白了。。。 math还考到了 蚂蚁爬格子那题 12种走法 有一道难题我太紧张没怎么想就随便填了: 一个数列M,平均数为m,方差为d,数列S种含有M里的所有数,再加上一个数x,数列S的方差为r;问r=<d? 1)x=m 2)x=<m+d 大概是这样,我感觉自己做错了,没考虑x有可能是负数。。 Verb阅读碰到澡类制造能源; 成本核算。还有一道妇女地位,不知道几经有没有 妇女那道题大意是这样的,一共两段,说传统上认为维多利亚时代的妇女基本被限制在家里面受压迫似乎。然后说这个论断是根据当时女权运动者在公开场合抗议这种不平等的种种言论或作品。但作者又说女权主义者可能夸大了妇女所受的限制和压迫,实际上当时很多女性是自愿在家大概。第二段作者又讽刺了历史学家只依据片面的材料来描绘维多利亚时代妇女的地位。。题目想不起来了 逻辑考到一道gwd原题 The total market value of real estate in Altonville has steadily declined over the past four years. This decline has meant that the overall figure on which the city’s property tax is based—the assessed value of that real estate—has also declined. The percentage of assessed value that was paid as property taxes to the city, however, did not change from year to year during this period. The information above most strongly supports which of the following? A. The percentage of Altonville’s yearly revenue that comes from money collected in property taxes did not change over the past four years. B. The percentage of Altonville’s yearly revenue that comes from money collected in property taxes has declined steadily over the past four years. C. The amount of revenue that Altonville collected from property taxes was lower last year than it was four years ago. D. During the past four years, Altonville officials increased tax rates on other sources of revenue such as retail sales and business profits. E. Altonville will soon require property owners to pay a higher percentage of the assessed value of their property as property tax. 答案C 改错不难,可能没遇见难题,很多题根据like/unlike的对应原则,句子结构完整性都可以做出来。
AI是说: 政府不应该make regulations for companies, the society will benefit if the business estashblish and enfore their own regulations. AA是说因为传统mining不景气,新兴能源需求高。一个公司要进去新兴能源领域,而且例举了其他几个在新能源方面很成功的公司。结论说投入发展新能源能保证公司的 profit he stock price 在任何market decline的时候都不受影响。。 先回忆这么多了,感谢cd上无数的资料,复习都是靠它们,虽然分数没预想高,知足常乐吧。 做了gwd-TN-24的 21套verb题目,一开始做了两套错了11、12个,后面平均错6-8个。prep1 760,prep2 770,不过数学都没到51. 先去吃饭,以后想起什么再加。 |