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1.        Traveling the back roads of Hungary, in 1905 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, and they were armed only with an Edison phonograph and insatiable curiosity.

(A) Traveling the back roads of Hungary, in 1905 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, and they were armed only

(B) In 1905, Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály, traveling the back roads of Hungary, began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, and they were only armed

(C) In 1905 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, traveling the back roads of Hungary armed only

(D) Having traveled the back roads of Hungary, in 1905 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology; they were only armedC

(E) Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály, in 1905 began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, traveling the back roads of Hungary, arming themselves only

这个traveling the back roads of Hungary 。。。是不是 pioneering work 的同位语?


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and suggests in both cases that they were armed with a phonograph in addition to being on the road,



Choices A and B are wordy and imprecise: the phrasing suggests that Bartok and Kodaly were already traveling the back roads of Hungary when they began their pioneering work, not that they traveled the back roads in order to conduct such work. Moreover, and suggests in both cases that they were armed with a phonograph in addition to being on the road, rather than while they were on the road, and only in B is misplaced before the verb armed. Choice C is correct. In choice D, Having traveled… suggests that the two had finished traveling before they began their work in ethnomusicology, and only is again misplaced. Choice E is wordy and awkwardly constructed. The question is a little easier than the average.

 Choices A and B are wordy and imprecise: the phrasing suggests that Bartok and Kodaly were already traveling the back roads of Hungary when they began their pioneering work, not that they traveled the back roads in order to conduct such work. Moreover, and suggests in both cases that they were armed with a phonograph in addition to being on the road, rather than while they were on the road, and only in B is misplaced before the verb armed. Choice C is correct. In choice D, Having traveled… suggests that the two had finished traveling before they began their work in ethnomusicology, and only is again misplaced. Choice E is wordy and awkwardly constructed. The question is a little easier than the average.


Choices A and B are wordy and imprecise: the phrasing suggests that Bartok and Kodaly were already traveling the back roads of Hungary when they began their pioneering work, not that they traveled the back roads in order to conduct such work. Moreover, and suggests in both cases that they were armed with a phonograph in addition to being on the road, rather than while they were on the road, and only in B is misplaced before the verb armed. Choice C is correct. In choice D, Having traveled… suggests that the two had finished traveling before they began their work in ethnomusicology, and only is again misplaced. Choice E is wordy and awkwardly constructed. The question is a little easier than the average.

 Choices A and B are wordy and imprecise: the phrasing suggests that Bartok and Kodaly were already traveling the back roads of Hungary when they began their pioneering work, not that they traveled the back roads in order to conduct such work. Moreover, and suggests in both cases that they were armed with a phonograph in addition to being on the road, rather than while they were on the road, and only in B is misplaced before the verb armed. Choice C is correct. In choice D, Having traveled… suggests that the two had finished traveling before they began their work in ethnomusicology, and only is again misplaced. Choice E is wordy and awkwardly constructed. The question is a little easier than the average.


这个traveling the back roads of Hungary 。。。是不是 pioneering work 的同位语?

我的想法:第一:traveling the back roads of Hungary是一个现在分词结构 不是pionnering work的同位语


这里的分词结构表示一个伴随的结果 我的理解是修饰了began这个动词 请看OG11 yellow book-p.679-#43


and suggests in both cases that they were armed with a phonograph in addition to being on the road

这句话我的理解:armed 是表示在路上的一个状态 应该用过去分词结构 而不是用and连接began作为句子的谓语。



and suggests in both cases that they were armed with a phonograph in addition to being on the road,



有种说法认为, doing sth1, Sb do sth2这种结构,doing sth1这个动作先开始,在doing sth1的时候,do sth2这个动作开始了。

而:Sb do sthA, doing sthB这个结构,do sthA这个动作先开始,然后doing sthB这个动作开始,或者doing sthB 伴随do sthA开始。


黄标记部分是说:用了and,“带着照相机”这件事就是和“began work”平行了,而不是和travelling平行了。而且基于上面的结构理论,AB两个选项的意思是:travelling(being on the road)先发生,然后再(in addition toarmed相机
they were armed with a phonograph in addition to being on the road),而不是armedtravel同时发生(rather than while they were on the road)。



总而言之,原句子意思是说“带着相机上路”,而不是说“上路先,然后began work和armed camera”。 而AB恰恰犯了这个错误。







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