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[求助]OG No. 32

我的疑问,对于排除ADEOG的解释:“ choices A, D and E all describe factors relevant to costs, but there is no reaon to think that the situation described in the passage will cause the costs resulting from these factors to increase.自由的疑问,没明白OG的那个画线部分的真实含义。另外,这个支持题型,ETS的出题思路是不是要求考生选择最追根溯源的答案呢?虽然我不是特别明白和确定画黑体字部分的含义,不过,感觉上ETS的逻辑思路在这个题目上是一种追根溯源的思维模型。可是好象又同以前我听新东方课堂,逻辑老师所说的不要多层次推断题目有很大的矛盾,还请高人点拨苯苯的自由。 A recent spate of lauching and operating mishaps with televison satellites led to a corresponding surge in claims against companies underwriting satellite insurance. As a result, insurance premiums shot up, making satellites more expensive to launch and operate. This, in turn, had added to the pressure to squeeze more performance out of currently operating satellites. Which of the following, if true, taken together with the information above, best supports the conclusion that the cost of television satellites will continue to increase? A) Since the risk to insurers of satellites is spread over relatively few units, insurance premiums are necessarily very high. B) When satellites reach orbit and then fail, the cause of failure are generally impossible to pinpoint with confidence. C) The greater the performance demands placed on satellites, the more frequently those satellites break down. D) Most satellites are produced in such small numbers that no economies of scale can be realized E) Since many satellities are built by unviedly international consortia, inefficiencies are inevitable. Choice A, D and E all describe factors relevant to costs, but there is no reason to think that the situation described in the passage will cause the costs resulting from these factors to increase. Similarly, the impossibility of pinpointing the causes of failure, mentioned in B, is consistent with the cost of satellites remaining stable.
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“but there is no reaon to think that the situation described in the passage will cause the costs resulting from these factors to increase.”这句话的意思大概是虽然A、D、E跟成本有关系,但是这些原因+文中的描述将会并不一定会导致成本上升。 我没听过新东方老师的课,所以不晓得他们是怎么解释这种题目的。 我自己有个很白的理解——读题干:“事故增加—对这保险费用上升—发射使用卫星更加昂贵—更多使用当前卫星的压力增大”。需要证明的结论是:“使用卫星的成本会继续增加”,“继续”是本题中找出正确答案的出口。也许A、D、E都会导致成本上升,但是这些都不足以推动成本继续增加,解决继续问题的办法是将原来的推导链条形成一个环路,就是把“更多使用卫星”和“事故增加”联系起来,这样,整个链条上的事物就能自己顺延推动,从而实现成本的继续上升。 嘿嘿,不知道说清楚没有。。希望对crossmoon有帮助啦~~~~ 因为我不是高人,所以欢迎大家砸砖!!



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