11/8上海晚 M:50,V不好 这次考得不好,不过JJ还是一定要写的。虽然前面已经有很多jj,距离换题也不远了,不过还是把我的jj写给大家。 AWA:这次遇到的两篇作文都相对简单,看到题目就松了一口气,特别是ISSUE,分数应该不错。 AA:B1.The following appeared in a memorandum from the head of a human resources department at a major automobile manufacturing company to the company's managers: “Studies have found that employees of not-for-profit organizations and charities are often more highly motivated than employees of for-profit corporations to perform well at work when their performance is not being monitored or evaluated. Interviews with employees of not-for-profit organizations suggest that the reason for their greater motivation is the belief that their work helps to improve society. Because they believe in the importance of their work, they have personal reasons to perform well, even when no financial reward is present. Thus, if our corporation began donating a significant portion of its profits to humanitarian causes, our employees’ motivation and productivity would increase substantially and our overall profits would increase as well.” AI:24. “A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. Math 50: 这次做的时候感觉不太好,感觉比想象中难一些,遇到了5条左右的jj,都是比较简单的。考试时有些心浮气躁,有2-3题看着差不多就选了,估计没有拿到满分的原因就是这几题。所以大家对待数学一定要耐心点,仔细点,这样那高分就没什么问题了。
math jj已经有很多,补充点新的,不过不多,大家见谅! 1、一根数轴,4^7到4^9是一个单位刻度,4^9到n中间有两个刻度,问n是多少? A.4^11 B.4^13 C.D记不清了,类似E E 46*4^7 正确答案 当开始一看就点了B,后来觉得不可能吧,太简单了,用7^9-7^7,算出每个刻度的值,然后再拿7^9+2个刻度,答案是E。所以大家千万要小心,粗心错了就太可惜了。
2、 一个工厂2个方案,方案1,<=80, 每个unit为1.2刀, >80的每个加x%刀。方案2, <=70,每个unit为1刀,超过70的每个加y%刀。y>x, 问在生产超过80units得情况下,生产多少个units可以让2个方案的成本一样。 1)y-x=0.25 2) 用方案1生产了100个零件,用了多少钱(一个具体数字,反正可以算出x) 这题我选的C。 3、x,y,z三个未知数,两个方程式,求x:y:z 算了一会儿觉得算不出,数字很复杂,后来就用答案去代了,好像代了第一个就发现答案是C,好像是3:-4:5。
RC:四篇有三篇是jj,第一篇不是,长倒不长,但生词很多,基本没看懂,又一道细节题比较肯定,其他多少有点猜了,这篇出现在前10题,做不好分数段影响挺大的。其他三篇,公司是否应该采用相对平级制(和GWD的那篇文章不一样),城市扩张、灾难债券。城市扩张和灾难债券前面的jj很详细,很有帮助,节省很多时间理解文章,大家好好看看。 CR: 运气不太好,基本没遇到JJ,遇到一题好像是GWD或者PREP,一会争取找出来。难度总体感觉还可以,GWD,PREP差不多。大家凭实力做就行。 SC: 感觉前面比prep难一点,需要通过逻辑意思来判断,没办法仅从语法知识点就得出答案。应该是前面做的不好,后面出来的题比前面简单,特别是最后一题,超简单,考Like A, B do,A B一定要对等,只有一个答案是对等的。 不好意思,暂时就想到这些。大家加油!