AWA AA 112. The following appeared in a memo to the Saluda town council from the town’s business manager. “Research indicates that those who exercise regularly are hospitalized less than half as often as those who don’t exercise. By providing a well-equipped gym for Saluda’s municipal employees, we should be able to reduce the cost of our group health insurance coverage by approximately 50% and thereby achieve a balanced town budget.” AI 57. “Everywhere, it seems, there are clear and positive signs that people are becoming more respectful of one another’s differences.”
个人感觉还是有点难,特别是前面,虽然是51但有些题我徘徊了很久,记得不太清最终选的什么,所以就不写我的答案以免误导了大家 charge,average daily balance 400收 1.5%, 超过400收1%,问这个月的average daily balance 是多少? 1)收了12块 2)月平收了1.2% 2.一条线上有四个等份点A,B,C,D,求A+C 1)A+B=-8 2)B+C=0 or A+D=0 大概意思是这样 3.有两种coin, 一种面值X=0.25另一种面值Y=0.1,问个数 X>Y? 1)Y大于12个 2)XY加一起小于4 4. (sqrt0.83)/0.3+55/7 接近那个数? 5.x>1,问X的Y次方是否大于1000 1)y>11 2)y>4x 6.问两条线是否垂直 1)X截距绝对值相同 2)Y截距一样且与其中一个X截距绝对值相同 7)问下面哪两个方程代表的直线垂直 E x=-5, y=1 Verbal SC 出现了PRE passage什么law那道原题 觉得SC很难,特别是开始几道 CR 出现了JJ中加油站以洗车为吸引顾客的方式,收入增加了X%那道 一道关于保险,保火灾的保费比保水灾的低,但赔得一样,问为什么? 有种鸟A要和鸟B一起飞到什么地方去,如果A迷路,一定要等到B,所以A没有方向感,问weaken? RC 三短一长 1关于GDP的,不太记得了 后来发现是GWD原题 The Gross Domestic Product. (GDP), which measures the dollar value of finished goods and services Line produced by an economy during a 5) given period, serves as the chief indi- cator of the economic well-being of the United States. The GDP assumes that the economic significance of goods and services lies solely in their price, and 10) that these goods and services add to the national well-being, not because of any intrinsic value they may possess, but simply because they were pro- duced and bought. Additionally, only 15) those goods and services involved in monetary transactions are included in the GDP. Thus, the GDP ignores the economic utility of such things as a clean environment and cohesive fam- 20) ilies and communities, It is therefore not merely coincidental, since national policies in capitalist and noncapitalist countries alike are dependent on indi- cators such as the GDP, that both the 25) environment and the social structure have been eroded in recent decades not only does the GDP mask this erosion, it can actually portray it as an economic gain: an oil spill off a 30) coastal region “adds” to the GDP because it generates commercial activity. In short, the nation’s central measure of economic well-being works like a calculating machine that adds but cannot subtract. 2.关于黑人在美国的不公平地位是否在一段时间得到了解放,一些学者说是,另外一个人研究证明不是 3恐龙是冷血还是温血,一个人说是温血,另外一个研究说不能证明 4石油形成,然后从A地方跑到B地方的过程 祝大家好运!我要吃饭了,刚考完快饿晕了... |