AA 95. The following appeared as part of an article in the business section of a local newspaper. “Hippocrene Plumbing Supply recently opened a wholesale outlet in the location once occupied by the Cumquat Café Restaurant. Hippocrene has apparently been quite successful there because it is planning to open a large outlet in a nearby city. But the Cumquat Café, one year after moving to its new location, has seen its volume of business drop somewhat from the previous year’s. Clearly, the former site is a better business location, and the Cumquat Café has made a mistake in moving to its new address.”
AI 24. “A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official.”
碰到了挺多JJ的题,不过我一向考完试都不记题的,实在不好意思~~我就大概讲讲吧~~ 数学 1. 每100块税要交0.47块什么cost,问cost的比例——0.47% 2. 图形题:给了五个点的坐标,问哪个属于y<x-2所表示的范围——代进去算一下就行(我的第一题) 3. DS:直线有没有过第三象限?1)斜率为。。。(一个正数)2)与x、y轴的交点分别为-3和2(数字不一定准,不过正负肯定没错)——选D 4. 正方形对角线3根号2,求面积——9 5. X是整数,给了个不等式,算出来2<|x-3|<4,问x有几个可能的值——2个 6. {1,2,3,4,5}排列组合一个5位的code,要求数字不能重复,偶数不能相邻,有几种组合——72 7. 两个矩形叠在一起,像个“凸”字的那道——选22 8. 有100,000个东西,2%有缺陷,这些有缺陷的里面60%这样,70%那样,问既这样又那样的有缺陷的东西有多少——6,000 9. 一个整体,60%这样,75%那样,问既这样又那样的至少占多少——35% 10. Gross profit是10y-4x的那道,不过觉得之前JJ的表述有点不全,我补充下吧:y表示卖出的量,x表示生产的量,而且y=rx,要求平均profit(gross profit除以生产量)至少为8.5,问r至少为多少——0.85 RC 四篇都是JJ题,一篇是9个类太阳的star,一篇是jazz music实验,一篇是small store 的联网策略与large store比较,还有一篇是。。。不记得了。。。 前人总结的很全,大家仔细看~~ SC跟CR都不太记得了~~~~实在对不起大家~~~应该有挺多是JJ的~~~ |