1# DS n和m都是positive integer,5*10^n+m是否能被3整除?
i. n=...记不清了,反正是一个数字,1,2,3之类
ii. m=1 (B~~)
10.坐标系中一个平行四边行,已知三个点为(3,2), (3,6), (11,8),求第四个点。答案:(11,6)
18、以下哪个方程在xy-coordinate中的图中只有一个点both coordinates是整数?
选项有:y=7/15x(记不清),y=x+1/2,y=x乘以根号3 我的答案:y=x乘以根号3
33.in 1990, 5 million students have credit card, accounting for 64% of all students, 20% of them have 4 or more credit cards, ask how many have no or less than 4 credit cards? A. 3 B 7 C 8 Answer B
A total of 30 percent of the geese included in a certain migration study were male. If some of the geese migrated during the study and 20 percent of the migrating geese were male, what was the ratio of the migration rate for the male geese to the migration rate for the female geese?
[Migration rate for geese of a certain sex = (number of geese of that sex migrating) / (total number of geese of that sex)]
A. 1/4 B. 7/12 C. 2/3 D. 7/8 E. 8/7 Answer: B
49、G(x) 是最大的比x小或等于x的integer;L(x)是最小的比x大或等于x的integer。求L(x)-G(x)的集合? (jj作者想说G(x)是小于等于x的最大整数;L(x)是大于等于x的最小整数)选项:{0},{1},{0,-1},{0,1},{1,-1} 我的答案:选{0,1}
55. 9y>4y*x^2 1)y>0 2)x>-3/2 选E(1+2条件:9>x^2,因为x>-3/2,举两个数,当x=0时,9>0,当x=100时,9<10000,所以无法确定9y>4y*x^2~~)
56.四个色子,面朝上的四个数中有至少两个相同的吗 1)四个数字相加得15 2)四个数字相乘得120 选C
87、一个圆,B貌似在圆心,然后圆上有3个点A,C,D,问B是不是圆心:1)AB=BC, 2) BA=BD 选C
90、 7^202 的十位数=? 选项有 0,2,4,6,8 (列举,可一发现7^n,十位上的数呈0440循环,202=4*50+2,所以0440,选4~~)
Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?
According to promotional material published by the city of Springfield, more tourists stay in hotels in Springfield than stay in the neighboring city of Harristown. A brochure from the largest hotel in Harristown claims that more tourists stay in that hotel than stay in the Royal Arms Hotel in Springfield. If both of these sources are accurate, however, the county’s “Report on Tourism” must be in error in indicating that _______.(选B)
A.more tourists stay in hotel accommodations in Harristown than stay in the Royal Arms Hotel
B.the Royal Arms Hotel is the only hotel in Springfield
C.there are several hotels in Harristown that are larger than the Royal Arms Hotel
D.some of the tourists who have stayed in hotels in Harristown have also stayed in the Royal Arms Hotel
E.some hotels in Harristown have fewer tourist guests each year than the Royal Arms Hotel has
22、有報告顯示去年夏天氣溫是乾且熱,而今年夏天濕且涼爽,而溼的路面比較容易有汽車accident, 所以今年夏天的汽車accident一定比去年多。題目找weaken的. 我记得好像选的是大多数发生accident的车都是从beach回来的,
我应该是主要死在SC上了,我前面6道题5道SC,1道CR,到第7题才是RC.而且第一题就是全划线的长句子,当时就懵了很长时间。哎,还是基本功不过关啊。个人感觉时间紧迫的朋友一定要好好练Prep SC,这个才和考试最接近。