刚从考场回来, 可能是刚才用脑过多,现在竟连AA的题目都想不起来,汗! 700--M49, V35 AI: 很多人都太看重结果,其实成功最有效的方法是做好当下的每件事, 而不要太关注结果. 数学: 有些新题, 有一道DS是: 有两个数列, S1是连续的偶数, S2是连续的奇数, 问S1的median是否大于S2的average. 1) 忘了(好像推不出) 2)S1各项的sum>S2各项的sum 剩下想起来的都是机经上出现的, 完了完了, 这脑子....容我再想想啊, 真得想为大家贡献点什么... SC: : XX fish(某种鱼) look into sky through water, having eyes like a mammel. 我选的是a mammel's(应该比较确定, 答案中没有those of a mammel.) 阅读: 碰到Cartel in American economy 那篇, Cartel是缩写--Combination of firms to keep price of product from reducing(不完全是这几个词,但意思对) 碰到unemployment in Germany那篇, 有道题是: Which of the following is strongly supported in the passage that can reduce the unemployment in German? A. reducing the benefits for unemployment(肯定错, 文中明确反对) B. inrease the worker's wage(我选的是这个, 不太sure) |