写ESSAY倒不算,还一定要你写为什么选择她,他们在reception上自问自答Why school的题目的时候就会宣讲location, diverse community什么的,基本上每个学校都是那一套,可是轮到你写的时候,如果你还跟着写这些就惨了,子曾经曰过:己所不欲,勿施于人。真是超级“作”啊!
招生的人基本有两个看似矛盾的目标: 1. attract as many people as possible for a wide selection base with some normal or obvious advantages 2. recruit some cool people who scorn(or at least claim to scorn) those normal or obvious advantages and can tell some not so obvious but cool ones.
招生的人基本有两个看似矛盾的目标: 1. attract as many people as possible for a wide selection base with some normal or obvious advantages 2. recruit some cool people who scorn(or at least claim to scorn) those normal or obvious advantages and can tell some not so obvious but cool ones.
招生的人基本有两个看似矛盾的目标: 1. attract as many people as possible for a wide selection base with some normal or obvious advantages 2. recruit some cool people who scorn(or at least claim to scorn) those normal or obvious advantages and can tell some not so obvious but cool ones.