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(2009-2010,Option C: Tell us about a time when you motivated others to support your vision or initiative.)

In these essay questions, Stanford tends to err on the side of minimalism. You should certainly focus on how you inspired others to join or encourage your initiative; however, this is only a starting point. You must complement this with information on how you motivated this group to achieve something special. In a short essay, incorporating conflict into the narrative can be difficult, but showing that your idea(s) met with some initial resistance is important in ensuring that your story is interesting to the reader. If, in your essay, you simply put forth an argument and everyone readily agrees, you will likely not have proven that you truly "motivated" others.

oOption D: Tell us about a time when you went beyond what was defined, established, or expected.



In this essay, you can show yourself to be an independent thinker, capable of finding your own "true" path and/or adhering to morals and principles that you hold dear, particularly when those with influence are advising you otherwise. Alternatively, somewhat in the spirit of Option A, you can show that you had a bold vision and achieved ambitious goals, though in this case you may have achieved independently rather than as part of a team. In either case, by creating a clear picture of what was expected of you and then contrasting your choice-by describing your actions and outlining your reasoning and thoughts-you can present a compelling picture of yourself as a strong-minded and adventurous "hero."


Essay Length
Your answers for all of the essay questions cannot exceed 1,800 words.
You have your own story to tell, so please allocate the 1,800 words among all of the essays in the way that is most effective for you. We provide some guidelines below as a starting point, but you should feel comfortable to write as much or as little as you like on any essay question, as long as you do not exceed 1,800 words total.

Essay 1: 750 words
Essay 2: 450 words
Essay 3: 300 words each

Use a 12-point font, double spaced
Recommended fonts are Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman
Indicate which essay question you are answering at the beginning of each essay
Number all pages
Upload all four essays as one document
Preview the uploaded document to ensure that the formatting is true to the original
Save a copy of your essays

Editing Your Essays
Begin work on these essays early, to give yourself time to reflect, write, and edit.
Feel free to ask your friends or family members to provide constructive feedback. When you ask for feedback, ask if the essays' tone sounds like your voice. It should. Your family and friends know you better than anyone else. If they do not believe that the essays capture who you are, how you live, what you believe, and what you aspire to do, then surely the Committee on Admissions will be unable to recognize what is most distinctive about you.
There is a big difference, however, between 'feedback' and 'coaching.' There are few hard and fast rules, but you cross a line when any part of the application (excluding the Letters of Reference) ceases to be exclusively yours in either thought or word.
Appropriate feedback occurs when you show someone your completed application, perhaps one or two times, and are apprised of errors or omissions.
In contrast, inappropriate coaching occurs when your application or your self-presentation is colored by someone else.
You best serve your own interests when your personal thoughts, individual voice, and unique style remain intact at the end of your editing process.
It is improper and a violation of the spirit of the Fundamental Standard and Honor Code to have someone else write any part of your Stanford MBA Program application. Such an act will result in denial of your application or withdrawal of your offer of admission.


Additional Information
If there is any other information that is critical for us to know and is not captured elsewhere, please include it. Examples of pertinent additional information include:

Extenuating circumstances affecting academic or work performance
Explanation of why you do not have a Letter of Reference from your current direct supervisor or peer
Explanation of criminal conviction, criminal charges sustained against you in a juvenile proceeding, and/or court-supervised probation
Explanation of academic suspension or expulsion
Any other information that you did not have sufficient space to complete in another section of the application (please begin the information in the appropriate section)
Additional work experience that cannot fit into the space provided
Additional information about your academic experience (e.g., independent research) not noted elsewhere

updated 8 June 2010


Letters of Reference
Qualitative accounts of your intellectual and professional abilities are essential to us. As we read your letters of reference, we hope to discover specific descriptions and examples illustrating your potential to make a difference in the world.
Choose individuals who know you well, and who will take the time to write thorough, detailed letters with specific anecdotes and examples. We are impressed by what the letter says and how it reads, not by the title of the person who writes it.
3 Letters of Reference Are Required
2 Professional/Workplace References
You must obtain at least one recommendation from your current direct supervisor.
If you are unable to provide a letter from your current direct supervisor, include a brief note of explanation in the Additional Information section of the online application.
College seniors may use a direct supervisor from a summer, part-time, or internship experience. Alternatively, you may ask someone who oversaw you in an extracurricular, volunteer, or community activity.
Your second Professional/Workplace Letter of Reference must come from someone else in a position to evaluate your work—another supervisor, a previous supervisor, a client, etc.

1 Peer Reference
An individual with whom you have worked on a team or on a project, in a position equal to your own, should complete this recommendation. This person should not be a supervisor or subordinate. You may choose this person from any of your team experiences: charitable, extracurricular, professional, or other.
The peer recommender cannot be your supervisor or subordinate.

Drafting or writing your own Letter of Reference, even if asked to do so by your recommender, is improper and a violation of the spirit of the Stanford Fundamental Standard and Honor Code. This action can result in denial of your application or withdrawal of your offer of admission. If the individual insists on this approach, you should find another recommender.
Choose individuals who have had significant direct involvement with you within the last few years.
Encourage recommenders to write letters specifically for this application since outdated and/or general recommendations typically do not strengthen an application.
Strictly academic Letters of Reference generally are less helpful in our evaluation.
Your recommenders must submit their Letters of Reference via the online application.
We strongly suggest that your recommenders submit Letters of Reference at least one day prior to the application deadline.
You are responsible for ensuring that all three recommendations are submitted online before the application deadline.


Questions We Ask Your RecommendersFor Your 2 Professional/Workplace recommenders

Please briefly describe your relationship to the candidate, and describe the circumstances under which you have known her or him.
How does the candidate’s performance compare to other well-qualified individuals in similar roles?
What (if any) legacy has this candidate left on your organization?
Describe the most constructive feedback you have given the candidate. Please also detail the circumstances that caused you to give the feedback.
Is there anything else (positive or negative) we should know about the candidate?

For Your Peer/Team recommender

Please briefly describe your relationship to the candidate, and describe the circumstances under which you have known her or him.
Describe how the candidate has generated support from others for an idea or initiative.
What (if any) lasting impact has this candidate left on your organization?
Describe the most constructive feedback you have given the candidate. Please also detail the circumstances that caused you to give the feedback.
Is there anything else (positive or negative) we should know about the candidate?

All 3 of your recommenders will also be asked to appraise you on some competencies and character traits that contribute to successful leadership. » Leadership Behavior Grid


Online Submission of Letters of Reference
Recommenders are required to submit Letters of Reference online.
We strongly recommend that Letters of Reference be submitted at least one day prior to the application deadline to ensure that your application is complete.
You are responsible for ensuring that all three recommendations are submitted online prior to the application deadline.

Step 1: Register Your Recommender
Go to the "Recommendations" tab on the Online Application Form.
Enter the recommender's personal information carefully on the registration page. It is extremely important to enter the email address correctly so that your recommender receives the instructions in a timely manner.
Read and mark one of the waiver statements on each Letter of Reference.

Step 2: Recommender Receives Email and Logs In
Your recommender receives an automated email with instructions to log in to the Online Recommendation.

Step 3: Recommender Completes and Submits Recommendation
After logging in, your recommender has access to an exact replica of the Letter of Reference Form and the ability to submit the recommendation directly to us.
If your recommender is experiencing technical difficulties, please ask the recommender to contact ApplyYourself Technical Support directly by clicking on the button labeled "Tech Support."

Step 4: You and Your Recommender Receive Confirmation
After your recommender submits the recommendation, both you and your recommender will receive an email confirmation.

Step 5: Submit Your Online Application
Please make sure that all of your recommenders have submitted the online Letters of Reference before the appropriate application deadline. You should expect that late Letters of Reference will not be included with your application file.

Step 6: Stanford Receives Your Application Form and Letter(s) of Reference
Please do not send a hard copy of an online Letter of Reference.
You may also track the status of your recommendations via the "Recommendations" tab on the online application form.


Admission to the Stanford MBA Program is very competitive and unfortunately we cannot offer a place to as many applicants as we would like each year.
If you are not offered admission you are welcome to reapply in a future application year. Each year we offer admission to reapplicants who present a strong, compelling application.
What You Should Know
Having applied in a previous year is not considered a negative factor in your application.
Reapplicants are evaluated on the merits of the new application and are required to complete and submit an entirely new application, including Letters of Reference, Transcript(s), and Application Form.
Give yourself a fresh start when you approach your application and address weak areas.
Determine if other recommenders may provide a more insightful and thorough perspective.
Add new information that may be helpful in the admission process.

Use Current Application Materials
Application requirements, including essay questions, change from year to year. It is important that you use current application materials.
The application fee is not waived for reapplicants.
As long as your test scores (GMAT-GRE and TOEFL-IELTS-PTE) remain valid, you do not need to have them resent from the test centers. However, you do need to self-report them in the application. If your test scores are no longer valid you need to retake them.
Are your GMAT-GRE and TOEFL-IETLS-PTE scores valid for the application round in which you wish to apply?

Feedback We cannot provide feedback on denied applications.



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