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I am sorry, I try to use Chinese for several times, and I always get informatiion as folllowing:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server  错误 '80004005'

[DBMSSOCN]General network error. Check your network documentation.


So I will add JJ in English here。

1。 n 》0, n is integer。 What is the maximum possible numbers of prime numbers in the following  sequences: {n+1, n+2,n+3, n+4,n+5,n+6}

I choose B: two。 since I tried
11, 12,13,14,15,16。 But I am not sure。

Chioces: three, five, four, six, two。


old JJ is correct: RC:( I pasted some Chinese here)



第二段是作者企图对这种现象进行解释,开始说受教育的妇女经济型独立性高什么什么的,生孩子就得自己要牺牲事业和收入(sacrifice of……),但是这样的不生育的受教育妇女到了晚年经济独立性就差了,因为没有孩子赡养(这个地方有一道题,问下列哪一个正确,其中有选项跟这个相反),最后解释了一下为什么在一个高教育率的地区,一个uneducated woman也不愿意生育的原因。 Add: The reasons include two points:(1) social learning ( means people trasnfer opinions, and learn other‘s opinions) (2) social influence ( Question asked here)(means people are affected by others and want to be accepted by others)


2 old JJ:
1。 。。。[]住院的病人如住在看的见风景的房间和那些住在看不见风景的房间的治疗效果不同。问evaluate我选:这两部分人刚入住时的病情是否一样。

2。 某湖生产某种三文鱼,吸引很多人来钓鱼。 政府想引进某虾可喂养三文鱼,增加三文鱼产,实验证明此湖中其他鱼不吃此虾,而只有三文鱼每天稳定地吃这种虾。问削弱此计划:选:此虾只能在他的native land生长,在some other areas不能存活。

Ididn’t reach my goal。 Maybe try again。 Also since mainland China stoped GMATtest in May, Iwant to encourage XDJM in other countries to contribute more JJ to help more XDJM in China。 United we stand!

TO sum up, both Math and Verbal are not very difficult, especially the RC part。 I had felt pretty good before I saw the score。 I finished all Verbal questions, not by guessing, but by doing。 Inever got so low verbal score in practising Kaplan and 800——score--5 sets tests。  Very tired, and confused。

Notes: Itry to use “ I add JJ” on this web site, but it keeps giving me“ Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server  错误 '80004005' ” error。 Also who can tell me where I can download the Chinese input software? Iused the Chinese input software coming with my window XP, but it worked in front of me, then when I send them out, they just look like many question marks。
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1036, thank you very much for your JJ !! So kind you are. ^^ As to your question, there is something wrong with our website except the forum. Sorry for that! We will deal with it ASAP. You said you wanna try again. I am surely for you. If any questions in review, just come to us. Now have a good rest first. [em05]



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