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A recent report on an environmental improvement program was criticized for focusing solely on pragmatic solutions to the large number of significant problems that plague the program instead of seriously trying to produce a coherent vision for the future of the program. In response the report's authors granted that the critics had raised a valid point but explained that, to do anything at all, the program needed continued government funding, and that to get such funding the program first needed to regain a reputation for competence.
21. Which one of the following, if true, would best serve the critics of the report in their attempt to undermine the position taken by the report's authors?

(A) The government does not actually provide a full l00 percent of the program's funding.

(B) The program will continue to have numerous serious problems precisely because it lacks a coherent vision for its future.

(C) The program had a coherent vision at its inception, but that vision has proved impossible to sustain.

(D) The government has threatened to cut off funding for the program but has not acted yet on this threat.

(E) The program has acquired a worse reputation for incompetence than it deserves.


23. A group of scientists studying calcium metabolism in laboratory rats discovered that removing the rats' parathyroid glands resulted in the rats' having substantially lower than normal levels of calcium in their blood. This discovery led the scientists to hypothesize that the function of the parathyroid gland is to regulate the level of calcium in the blood by raising that level when it falls below the normal range. In a further experiment, the scientists removed not only the parathyroid gland but also the adrenal gland from rats. They made the surprising discovery that the level of calcium in the rats' blood decreased much less sharply than when the parathyroid gland alone was removed.

Which one of the following, if true, explains the surprising discovery in a way most consistent with the scientists’ hypothesis?

{A) The adrenal gland acts to lower the level of calcium in the blood.

(B) The adrenal gland and the parathyroid gland play the same role in regulating calcium blood levels.

(C) The absence of a parathyroid gland causes the adrenal gland to increase the level of calcium in the blood.

(D) lf the adrenal gland, and no other gland, of a rat were removed, the rat's calcium level would remain stable.

(E) The only function of the parathyroid gland is to regulate the level of calcium in the blood.

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23.楼主可能没有看清原文:They made the surprising discovery that the level of calcium in the rats' blood decreased much less sharply than when the parathyroid gland alone was removed.





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