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10. Stage performances are judged to be realistic to the degree that actors reproduce on stage the behaviors generally associated by audiences with the emotional states of the characters portrayed. Traditional actors imitate those behaviors, whereas Method actors, through recollection of personal experience, actually experience the same emotions that their characters are meant to be experiencing. Audiences will therefore judge the performances of Method actors to be more realistic than the performances of traditional actors.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

(A) Performances based on an actor’s own experience of emotional states are more likely to affect an audience’s emotions than are performances based on imitations of the behaviors generally associated with those emotional states.

(B) The behavior that results when a Method actor fells a certain emotion will conform to the behavior that is generally associated by audiences with that emotion.
(C) Realism is an essential criterion for evaluating the performances of both traditional actors and Method actors.

(D) Traditional actors do not aim to produce performances that are realistic representations of a character’s emotional states.

(E) In order to portray a character, a Method actor need not have had experiences identical to those of the character portrayed.

Ans: B
I choose A, A seems better than B?

16,Salmonella is a food-borne microorganism that can cause intestinal illness. The illness is sometimes fatal, especially if not identified quickly and treated. Conventional Salmonella tests on food samples are slow and can miss unusual strains of the microorganism. A new test identifies the presence or absence of Salmonella by the one piece of genetic material common to all strains. Clearly, public health officials would be well advised to replace the previous Salmonella tests with the new test.

16. Which one of the following, if true, most substantially weakens the argument?

(A) The new test identifies genetic material from Salmonella organisms only and not from similar bacteria.

(B) The new test detects the presence of Salmonella at levels that are too low to pose a health to people.

(C) Salmonella is only one of a variety of food-borne microorganism that can cause intestinal illness.

(D) The new test has been made possible only recently by dramatic advances in biological science.

(E) Symptoms of Salmonella poisoning are often mistaken for those of other common intestinal illness.

Ans: B
I choose A , 请B 怎么削弱

19. The use of automobile safety seats by children aged 4 and under has nearly doubled in the past 8 years. It is clear that this increase has prevented child fatalities that otherwise would have occurred, because although the number of children aged 4 and under who were killed while riding in cars involved in accidents rose 10 percent over the past 8 years, the total number of serious automobile accidents rose by 20 percent during that period.

Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

(A) Some of the automobile safety seats purchased for children under 4 continue to be used after the child reaches the age of 5.

(B) The proportion of serious automobile accidents involving child passengers has remained constant over the past 8 years.

(C) Children are taking more trips in cars today than they were 8 years ago, but the average total time they spend in cars has remained constant.

(D) The sharpest increase in the use of automobile safety seats over the past 8 years has been for children over the age of 2.

(E) The number of fatalities among adults involved in automobile accidents rose by 10 percent over the past 8 years.

Ans: B
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实在不成 就排除法吧!

那4个都肯定 有问题




.........真TMD 够难得... 汗.....

以下是个人意见 值得批判..

1 我认为 关键是这句话

Stage performances are judged to be realistic to the degree that actors reproduce on stage the behaviors generally associated by audiences with the emotional states of the characters portrayed

关键是 realistic 这个标准... the behaviors generally assionciated by audiences 并且 with 了一个 the emotional states of the characters portrayed....但是题干后面说的那些东西 都属于 the emotional states of the characters portrayed 范畴吧!?

所以结论成立 的假设 必须加上第一个条件 the behaviors generally assionciated by audience...

2 A 没削弱吧? 新的检测手段 能够 测出 all strains 古时候的那个 容易 miss unuaual strains 和 small bacteria 没什么关系吧?
B 我感觉削弱... 明显说出 新的测试手段 没价值啊!测出来的结果没什么大用处 呵呵

3 呵呵 难道 是说serious automobile accidents比较恐怖 即使有safety seats也白搭?
B 选项等于去掉了一个影响结论的它因??

个人意见 大家补充........



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