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Explanation must be distinguished from justification. Every human action potentially has an explanation, that is with sufficient knowledge it would be possible to give an accurate description of the causes of that action. An action is justified only when the person performing the action has sufficient reasons for the action. According to many psychologists, even when there is a justification for an action, that justification often forms no part of the explanation. The general principle, however, is that only an action whose justification , that is, the reasons for the action, forms an essential part of its explanation is rational.

If the statements in the passage are correct, which one of the following can be properly conclude from them?
A.        When a human action is justified, that action has no explanation.
B.        If there are any reasons among the causes of an action, the that action rational.
C.        Some psychologists believe that the justification for an action never forms an essential part of its explanation.
D.        There are actions whose causes can’t be discovered.
E.        If any human actions are rationa, then reasons must sometimes be causes of actions.
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