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189. Proponents of artificial intelligence say they will be able to make computers that can understand English and other human languages, recognize objects, and reason as an expert does-computers that will be used to diagnose equipment breakdowns, deciding whether to authorize a loan, or other purposes such as these.
(A)as an expert does--computers that will be used to diagnose equipment breakdowns, deciding whether to authorize a loan, or other purposes such as these
(B)as an expert does, which may be used for purposes such as diagnosing equipment breakdowns or deciding whether to authorize a loan
(C)like an expert--computers that will be used for such purposes as diagnosing equipment breakdowns or deciding whether to authorize a loan
(D)like an expert, the use of which would be for purposes like the diagnosis of equipment breakdowns or the decision whether or not a loan should be authorized
(E)like an expert, to be used to diagnose equipment breakdowns, deciding whether to authorize a loan or not, or the like
正确选项是C。且不论其它方面的问题,单纯从句子分析,会发现C选项出现:like an expert的情况。他与什么比较?与computers,似乎数量不一;与reason---动作比,又无可比性;与computers reason 比,似乎应该用as an expert does。总之,在以前做本题时没注意,当时觉得挺顺的,但现在分析起来,反而糊涂了!
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2、单复数的问题,个人认为此处单数更恰当一些。我们强调的是电脑的共性,即尽管电脑很多(computers),但电脑在推理时方式是一致的,所以用an expert表泛指的同时强调共性是很恰当。试想假如用experts,岂不是变成电脑象很多专家在同时推理,那么每个专家是否一致呢?电脑又如何从如此多的专家那里得出结论呢?这显然歪曲了原意。这里还是从表达的准确性和有效性上来入手,此处显然强调专家的推理方式,至于是哪个专家,多少个专家不是考虑的范围。


I think:
if there is no other choice such as the sentence-- like experts, computers..., the choice cited by tongxun, though not be the best choice, can also be the choice.


In a word, as A do,B can do.....A and B must be the things that can be conpared. it is not enough that A and B only are the noun.A and B must be the analog.


a expert 是单数,而computers 是复数,单复数可比吗?例如将前面的改写为:
Like a expert, computers。。。。。这样可以吗?种类不同、数字不同!


If you simplify "computers that can understand English and other human languages, recognize objects, and reason" as "computer" ( that ... is all referred to computer), then it's obvious to use "like a expert"; and also how to use "such as"  can help you identify the correct one.



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