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CR 18 D和C不太区别的开.
CR 23 C有什么用?
CR 16 D好像也对.
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16. 同意TONGXUN (D) 的前面部分对。其实顺序加上这部分或许更准确。
Disputes Concetta’s conclusion (Franchot was not a great writer),
Rejects Concetta’s criterion(The mark of a great writer is the ability to move people with the power of the written word, not the ability to be among the first to grasp a social issue )
and then disputes a specific claim(Besides, the social consequences of industrialization were widely understood in Franchot’s day. ) 。
我认为 presents facts in support of an alternative criterion 不对, 题干并未提供 facts 。facts 指一些更具体的东西。

Life is real , life is earnest.
Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, is our destinated end or way;
but to act, that each tomorrow, find us farther than today.
------ Longfellow


23、你问的条件C应该是答案吧。想象一下,若a randomly chosen group 的取样是没有吸毒的人群,就算是阳性,他的推论也不正确吧!但若这部分人来自吸毒的人群,则结论正确。因此,若人口中大多是不吸毒的,则结论就错误了,所以应为(C) fails to take into account what proportion of the population have used cocaine.
16、(D) Disputes Concetta’s conclusion and then presents facts in support of an alternative criterion 的前面部分对,但AND后的就顺序颠倒了。你再看看。


17、答案应该是(C) The question about the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe must be made more precise if we hope to answer it correctly.
因为made more precise 似乎说原文的定义是准确的,与原文不一;再者,answer it correctly. 超出原文的范畴。
18、(C) claiming that "intelligent life" cannot be adequately defined.
C与作者的意见相反,因为作者认为only if we leave our definitions open to new, unimagined possibilities。并没有说不能。
(D) arguing that the claim, if acted on, would be counterproductive


16. Concetta: Franchot was a great writer because she was ahead of her time in understanding that industrialization was taking an unconscionable toll on the family structure of the working class.

Alicia: Franchot was not a great writer. The mark of a great writer is the ability to move people with the power of the written word, not the ability to be among the first to grasp a social issue Besides, the social consequences of industrialization were widely understood in Franchot’s day.

In her disagreement with Concetta, Alicia does which one of the following?

(A) Accepts Concetta’s criterion and then ads evidence to concetta’s case

(B) Discredits Concetta’s evidence and then generalizes from new evidence

(C) Rejects Concetta’s criterion and then disputes a specific claim

(D) Disputes Concetta’s conclusion and then presents facts in support of an alternative criterion

(E) Attacks one of Concetta’s claims and then criticizes the structure of her argument



23. When 100 people who have not used cocaine are tested for cocaine use, on average only 5 will test positive. By contrast. of every 100 people who have used cocaine 99 will test positive. Thus, when a randomly chosen group of people is tested for cocaine use. the vast majority of those who test positive will be people who have used cocaine.

A reasoning error in the argument is that the argument

(A) attempts to infer a value judgment from purely factual premises.

(B) attributes to every member of the population the properties of the average member of the population.

(C) fails to take into account what proportion of the population have used cocaine.

(D) ignores the fact that some cocaine users do not test positive.

(E) advocates testing people for cocaine use when there is no reason to suspect that they have used cocaine.



Questions 17--18

The question whether intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is certainly imprecise, because we are not sure how different from use something might be and still count as "intelligent life" Yet we cannot just decide to define "intelligent life" in some more precise way since it is likely that we will find and recognize intelligent life elsewhere in the universe only if we leave our definitions open to new, unimagined possibilities.

17. The argument can most reasonably be interpreted as an objection to which one of the following claims?

(A) The question whether intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is one that will never be correctly answered.

(B) Whether or not there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, our understanding of intelligent life is limited.

(C) The question about the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe must be made more precise if we hope to answer it correctly.

(D) The question whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is so imprecise as to be meaningless.

(E) The question whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is one we should not spend our time trying to answer.

18. The passage, if seen as an objection to an antecedent claim. Challenges that claim by:

(A) showing the claim to be irrelevant to the issue at hand

(B) citing examples that fail to fit proposed definition of "intelligent life"

(C) claiming that "intelligent life" cannot be adequately defined.

(D) arguing that the claim, if acted on, would be counterproductive

(E) maintaining that the claim is not supported by the available evidence.








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