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Aristotle wrote that a tyrant would be well advised to put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. subjects are more tolerant of unjust treatment form a ruler whom they consider god-rearing and pious.Moreover as most subjects believe that een hte gods are on the side of the ruler, the subjects are less apt to move against him,
(A) The subjects of tyrannical rulers typically believe that there is a power other than the mortal.
(B) A tyrant cannot rule unless he has divine power on his side.
(C) The subjects of tyrannical rulers can rarely be fooled by appearances.
(D) Tyrants who are dovoted to religion will not treat their subjeccts unjustly.
(E) For a tyrant, the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion is a more effective means of ruling than unjust treatment.

the answer is choice A.

Please help me:
how to discriminate between assumption and inference?
When I deal with this kind of question,that I apply the tenet that to add " not"  is to weaken the conclusion makes me more confusing. it seems as if  excepting C,almost other choices were right.
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thanks! i got it.


题目是问什么?assumption 吗?如果是问assumption ,则选项应为A
On the first hand, to find assumption,compare the terms in the conclusion with the terms in the evidence。then ask yourself:“what‘s missing?”。Almost everyGMAT argument contains a logical gap between the evidence and the conclusion。the assumptions are what fills that gap。

On the other hand, on the inference questions, you can treat the entire stimulus as evidence and draw your own conclusion。
hope the explanation give you some help!



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