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[转帖]10/9 Maths JJ 730

Math is very easy,  I have 10 minutes left when I finished. At one point, I was thinking that I must answered some important questions wrong so I was hitting all the easy ones.

Following are some I remembered

1.     (DS)n is int, x=?

1.      9^n = 100000*X

2.      1/10 <X<1

Answer C

2 .  Two Cubic, each face marked from 1 to 6. The chance that the difference of the two number on two cubic is 2




 3.|x+2| = 2|x-2|, the sum of the solution X

                  6 2/3

 4.(DS)15n divided by 6, what remains,

 4.(DS)15n divided by 6, what remains,

1.n can divided by 2

2.n can divided by 3

Answer  A

      5. 114 people, 70 speak English. 40 speak Spanish,, the number of people speak no English and Spanish is 3 times the people who speak both. How many speak both.



For a man in his late 30s and  have a young baby, with a full-time job, I am quite satisfied with the score I get today, Thanks to my wife, who took over most of the housework recently and volunteered to drive me to the test center this morning,  also thanks to my parents who take care of my little girl in the past 5 months.

Maybe because the guys I worked with are already out of the GMAT age, I am quite separated from the GMAT community. I did not know there is such things called JJ until 2 weeks ago, not mention GWD. By the way , I still did not know what GWD stands for.

CD opened a new world for me on GMAT, I wish I knew it earlier. In the past 2 weeks, I use at least half of my time on CD.(and half of the time on CD is try to figure out how to download everything and unzip it on an English XP as well as how to find the anwsers for the questions) 

Here is what I did for JJ, although I did not meet a single one. If I had more time, I will definitely go though all the GWDs.

1.     FF Maths Part 7

2.     RC JJ of 2005/10, 2005/11,2006/9

3.     All 2006/10 JJ(very limited)

      4. Last 40 questions on 2006/9 maths jj

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