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Not all life depends on energy from sunlight. Microbial life has been found in bedrock more than five kilometers below the surface of the earth, and bacteria have been found on the deep ocean floor feeding on hydrogen and other gases rising from the interior of the earth through vents in the ocean floor.

The statements above, if true, best support which of the following as a conclusion?

The correct answer is “a thorough survey of a planet’ surface is insufficient to establish beyond a doubt that the planet contains no life.”

这个答案倒是没什么,只是在我读题的时候,不知道文章的中心在哪儿,我觉得中心是在not all life depends on energy from sunlight,但是og的解释说: Since the passage includes information about both microbes below earth’s surface and bacteria on the ocean floor, the conclusion must embrace both situations. The conclusion will not be a specific statement about either one or the other, but rather a general statement about both.   可是答案和他的解释有什么关系啊?


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因为这是argument construction,所以要补足推理。我想OG的意思是说:文章原意包括深海和地底,所以结论须涵盖这些情况。但结论不必是一种给定的情况,可以推而广之,生命可能存在于星体的表面之下。



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