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1,Studie show that the most creating engineers get their best and most useful ideas only after doodling and jotting down whatg turn out to be outlandish ideas.Now that many engineers do their work with comuters instead of on paper,however,doodling is becoming much less common,and some experts fear that the result will be fewer creative and useful engineering ideas.Thes experts argue that this undesirable consequence would be avoided if computer programs for engineering work included simulated notepads that would allow engineers to sus pend their \"serious\" work on the computer,type up outlandish ideas,and then quickly return to their original work.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the experts\' reasoning depended?

B:Simulated notepads would not be used by engineers for any purpose other than typing up outlandish ideas.

C:No engineers who work with computers keep paper and pencils near their computers in order to doodle and jot down ideas.

D:The physical act of working on paper is not essential in providing engineers with the benefits that can be gained by doodling

是不是因为原文有了paper and dooling are less common.而导致这个不是假设,而只是原文内容的复述?


2,Every actions has consequence,and among the consequences of any action are other actions.And knowing whether an action is good requires knowing whether its consequences are good,but we cannot know the futur,so good actions are impossible.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A:Some actions have only other actions as consequences.
B:We can know that past actions wer good.
C:To know that an action is good requires knowning that refraining from performing it is bad.
D:Only actions can be the consequences of other actions .
E:For an action to be good we must be able to know that it is good.


3,Party spokesperson:The opposition party\'s proposal to stimulate economic activity in the province by refunding $600 million in provincial taxes to taxpayers,who could be expected to spend the money, envisions an illusory benefit.Since the province\'s budget is required to be in balance,either new taxes would be needed to make up the shortfall .in which case the purpose of the refund would be defeated,or else workers for the province would be dismissed.So either the province\'s taxpayers or its workers,who are also residents of the province, will have the $600 million to spend,but there can be no resulting net increase in spending to stimulate the province\'s economy.

The conclusion about whether there would be a resultiong net increase in spending would not follow if the

A:taxpayers of the province would spend outside the province at least$300 million of any $tooo million refunded to them
C:province could assess new taxes in a way that would avoid angering taxpayers .
D:provincce could, instead of refunding the money. stimulate its economy by redirectong its spending to use the $600 million for constructionprojicts creating jobs around the province
E:province could keep its workers and use them more effectively,with a resulting savings of $600 million in its out-of-province expenditures.

是不是要我们选一个能反驳 Party spokesperson'conclusion of there can be no resulting net increase in spending to stimulate the province\'s economy?E是说更有效的使用WORKERS从而那个REFUND 600M无须用LEVY TAXES OR DISMISS WORKERS TO BALANCE THE BUDGET?
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2、Every actions has consequence,and among the consequences of any action are other actions.And knowing whether an action is good requires knowing whether its consequences are good,but we cannot know the futur,(从这里开始就是结论了)so good actions are impossible.
但支持结论的依据是什么,是:requires knowing whether its consequences are good,but we cannot know the futur。反过来说,若我们知道它是好的,它才是好的。


1、Which one of the following is an assumption on which the experts\' reasoning depended?

B:Simulated notepads would not be used by engineers for any purpose other than typing up outlandish ideas.

C:No engineers who work with computers keep paper and pencils near their computers in order to doodle and jot down ideas.

D:The physical act of working on paper is not essential in providing engineers with the benefits that can be gained by doodling

是不是因为原文有了paper and dooling are less common.而导致这个不是假设,而只是原文内容的复述?
D:象这样的选项最象正确答案。若在纸上工作是他们创造的essential 的话,则电脑怎样改都没用了。因此,将它推翻则原文不成立。



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