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Derek: We must exploit available resources in developing effective anticancer drugs such as the one made from mature Pacific yew trees. Although the yew population might be threatened, the trees should be harvested now, since an effective synthetic version of the yew’s anticancer chemical could take years to develop.

Lola: Not only are mature yews very rare, but most are located in areas where logging is prohibited to protect the habitat of the endangered spotted owl. Despite our eagerness to take advantage of a new medical breakthrough, we should wait for a synthetic drug rather than threaten the survival of both the yew and the owl, which could have far-reaching consequences for an entire ecosystem.

6. Which one of the following is the main point at issue between Lola and Derek?

(A) whether the harvesting of available Pacific yews would have far-reaching environmental repercussions

(B) whether the drugs that are effective against potentially deadly diseases should be based on synthetic rather than naturally occurring chemicals

(C) whether it is justifiable to wait until a synthetic drug can be developed when the capacity for producing the yew-derived drug already exists

(D) the extent of the environmental disaster that would result if both the Pacific yew and the spotted owl were to become extinct

(E) whether environmental considerations should ever have any weight when human lives are at stake

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I choose C as from both conclusion.



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