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GWD 21-30

GWD 21-30 偶最后一道疑点题,至今仍不清楚说什么。borne out 是证实的意思,也就是说plastic sleds 更危险被证实。但原题中根本没有出现plastic sleds 和 wooden sleds 的比较,我另一个疑点是不是题目有错(应该不会的),时间上不清楚,说In the past,most children 用wooden sleds ,In the past指的是过去? last winter ?还是ten years ago?


In the past, most children who went sledding in the winter snow in Verland used wooden sleds with runners and steering bars. Ten years ago, smooth plastic sleds became popular; they go faster than wooden sleds but are harder to steer and slow. The concern that plastic sleds are more dangerous is clearly borne out by the fact that the number of children injured while sledding was much higher last winter than it was ten years ago.

Which of the following, if true in Verland, most seriously undermines the force of the evidence cited?

A. A few children still use traditional wooden sleds.

B. Very few children wear any kind of protective gear, such as helmets, while sledding.

C. Plastic sleds can be used in a much wider variety of snow conditions than wooden sleds can.

D. Most sledding injuries occur when a sled collides with a tree, a rock, or another sled.

E. Because the traditional wooden sled can carry more than one rider, an accident involving a wooden sled can result in several children being injured.

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Answer: C

Answer C is the only answer choice compares plastic sleds with wooden sleds.

By merely stating the lack of safety protection, answer B doesn't give any justification to the increase in the number of injured children. If B states that Children ignore protections more frequently than they did in the past, then B would be correct.



题目中说的很清楚,10年前PLASTIC的SLEDS就已经非常流行,它们虽然比WOOD SLEDS要来的快不过更难驾御,也就是说更难刹车和减速,由此得出对起危险性的担忧,最后的确被去年的FACT:更多的小孩在SELDING受伤害的人比十年前多,在这里不得不强调的是PLASTIC在10年前就开始流行,是一个ASSUMPTION,所一文章的逻辑思路应该是PLASTIC SLED更难驾御-->危险性的增加。


它因来削弱,说明并不一定是因为用了PLASTIC SLED所导致。设想这样一个情况,本来不管用WOOD 还是PLASTIC的SLED都可能会早成的伤害,由于现在的孩子很少人用护具,

从而导致了INJURY的增加。IN THE PAST 只是为了说明FACT,只是说以前V那里的小孩都用WOOD SLED,是比较宽泛的概念,我认为没必要拘泥于此。




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