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Wesleyan Supplemental Essays 2023-2024: Prompts and Tips

With a tough acceptance rate of just 16.5%, getting into Wesleyan University is no small feat. Your supplemental essays are key to standing out among the sea of applicants. They give you a chance to show off who you are beyond grades and test scores.

Let’s break down everything you need to know about the Wesleyan supplemental essays. We’ll go over the different prompts you might get and give you some handy tips to write awesome responses. Understanding what Wesleyan wants and how to tell your story well can up your odds of getting into this top-notch school.

What Are Wesleyan Supplemental Essays?
When you apply to Wesleyan, you’ll share your personal statement either through the Common Application or the Coalition Application. This essay, with a max of 650 words, gives you room to talk about what’s shaped you—experiences, challenges, or insights. The aim? To give the admissions team a deeper look into who you are beyond just grades and scores.

But that’s not all. Wesleyan also asks for a supplemental essay, capped at 250 words. Here, you get to choose from a set of prompts. These essays zoom in on specific parts of your life and motivations. It’s your chance to show how you’d fit into Wesleyan’s community and highlight what makes you a standout candidate for admission.

What Are the Wesleyan Supplemental Essays Prompts for 2023-2024?
For this year’s application to Wesleyan University, you’ve got two prompts to choose from for your supplemental essay, each with a 250-word limit:

Option 1: Wesleyan President Michael Roth believes a liberal arts education is a pragmatic choice in these times. In what way do you see a liberal arts education having practical value?

Option 2: What recent news story—local or global—has resonated with you personally? Share the story and tell us why it had that impact on you.
These prompts are meant to give the admissions team a glimpse into your values, interests, and how you interact with the world. Pick the one that speaks to you the most, and use it as a chance to weave a meaningful and personal narrative that can boost your application.
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Option 2 Prompt: What recent news story—local or global—has resonated with you personally? Share the story and tell us why it had that impact on you.

The prompt wants you to talk about a news story that hit you personally. It’s not just about summarizing what happened, but also why it struck a chord with you. This is their way of seeing how tuned in you are to what’s going on in the world and how you relate to it. They’re looking for that mix of empathy, critical thinking, and your ability to connect big global issues to your own life.

To tackle this prompt like a pro, think about which news stories recently grabbed your attention and why they grabbed you. Then, dive into how they relate to your own experiences, beliefs, or where you see yourself heading in the future.

How to answer this prompt
Given the 250-word limit, your response needs to be concise and focused. Here’s a quick cheat sheet on how to structure your response:

Introduction (1-2 sentences):Briefly introduce the news story you have chosen. Example: “The recent wildfires in Australia have deeply resonated with me, highlighting the urgent need for environmental action.”

Summary of the News Story (2-3 sentences):Provide a brief summary of the news story, ensuring you cover the main points. Example: “The wildfires, fueled by extreme weather conditions and climate change, have devastated large areas, destroyed homes, and displaced thousands of people and animals.”

Personal Connection (3-4 sentences):Explain why this story impacted you personally. Relate it to your experiences, values, or aspirations. Example: “Growing up in a region prone to natural disasters, I have seen firsthand the devastating effects of environmental neglect. This story strengthened my resolve to pursue a career in environmental science and advocacy.”

Conclusion (1-2 sentences):Summarize the impact of the story and restate why it is significant to you. Example: “The Australian wildfires remind me of the importance of proactive environmental stewardship and inspire me to be part of the solution to global climate challenges.”

So, if you stick to this game plan, your answer will be nice and tidy, hitting all the right points in the prompt. Don’t forget to spotlight the story itself, share why it hit home for you, and chat about how it fits into the big picture. That’ll show them you’re really in tune with what’s going on and how it affects how you see the world.


Option 1 Prompt: Wesleyan President Michael Roth believes a liberal arts education is a pragmatic choice in these times. In what way do you see a liberal arts education having practical value?

Basically, Wesleyan wants you to talk about what you think about this idea that getting a liberal arts education is actually pretty useful in the real world. They’re curious to hear your take on how stuff you learn in liberal arts—like critical thinking and communication—can come in handy in today’s complex world. They want you to dive into how your own experiences and beliefs fit into this idea.

So, first off, think about what “practical value” means to you. Then, consider how the skills and knowledge you gain from a liberal arts education can be applied in different situations. Show them you get why this kind of education isn’t just about reading old books but about getting ready to tackle whatever life throws at you. And make sure your response is personal and reflective, so they know it’s not just some textbook answer you’re giving.

How to answer this prompt
When answering this prompt, keep it short and sweet, because they’re only giving you 250 words to work with. Here’s a quick rundown on how you can structure your response:

Introduction (1-2 sentences): Briefly introduce your understanding of the practical value of a liberal arts education. Example: “A liberal arts education equips students with versatile skills that are essential in today’s dynamic job market.”

Body (3-4 sentences):Discuss specific skills or attributes gained from a liberal arts education and how they are practically valuable. Example: “Through courses in diverse fields, students develop critical thinking, effective communication, and problem-solving abilities. These skills are crucial for adapting to various professional environments and tackling complex issues.”

Personal connection (2-3 sentences):Relate your discussion to your personal experiences or aspirations. Example: “My involvement in debate and community service has shown me the importance of interdisciplinary thinking. A liberal arts education would enhance my ability to approach problems from multiple perspectives.”

Conclusion (1-2 sentences):Summarize the practical benefits and reaffirm the value of a liberal arts education. Example: “In a world that demands adaptability and innovation, a liberal arts education provides the foundation for lifelong learning and success.”

If you stick to this plan, your response will be on point and hit the nail on the head with the prompt. Don’t forget to shine a spotlight on certain skills, toss in some personal stories, and talk about the bigger picture to show you really get why a liberal arts education rocks in the real world.



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