awa: issue:72. “Companies should not try to improve employees’ performance by giving incentives — for example, awards or gifts. These incentives encourage negative kinds of behavior instead of encouraging a genuine interest in doing the work well.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
argument:121. The following appeared in a memorandum from the publisher to the staff of The Clarion, a large metropolitan newspaper. “During the recent campaign for mayor, a clear majority of city readers who responded to our survey indicated a desire for more news about city government. To increase circulation, and thus our profits, we should therefore consistently devote a greater proportion of space in all editions of The Clarion to coverage of local news.”
maths:以往的jj很有用,考试时小心就行了,连我这样的也能拿50。 前面一些很简单的题不记得了,说说能记住的一些比较难的题吧。如果记忆有误,请见谅!(数字可能都有出入)
DS:公司员工年底会得到500刀的bonus,除此之外就只有每个月拿到的工资了。 问平均每个星期得到的bonus与工资的百分比
1)若按一年52个星期算,一个员工一年可以拿到的工资总数为12000刀(数字不准确) 2)bonus比每个月平均得到的工资多100刀(bonus前面并没有修饰词)
DS:一个公司销售铅笔,1gross=12dozen,问总共有多少铅笔 1)the number of the box of pencil is 16 gross (忘记了有没有gross这个单位了) 2) 一个box有3dozen支笔
DS:问一个人一年的总收入有没有超过1400 1)前11个月的平均收入是115 2)按收入多少排列,中数为175。
PS:2^x5^y=0.002, 问x=?
RC:有白老虎和domestic work是否应该记入GDP
我碰到超级多语法题,可能是我做得太烂了吧,所以狂出语法。感觉除了四篇阅读,和6-7cr之外,就都是语法了! 我觉得题都不难,可是我已经预料到自己已经掉入低分题库了。
可以还在犹豫一个问题,因为bf也打算考gmat,但是他还没有准备好,我想和他一齐进考场。 我们到底要不要在换东家之前考掉呢?可是那样的话准备太不充分很冒险。 拖到明年都不知道会变成怎么样。唉,到底该什么时候考呢? |