AA 83. The following appeared in the editorial section of a newspaper in the country of West Cambria. “The practice of officially changing speed limits on the highways — whether by increasing or decreasing them — is a dangerous one. Consider what happened over the past decade whenever neighboring East Cambria changed its speed limits: an average of 3 percent more automobile accidents occurred during the week following the change than had occurred during the week preceding it — even when the speed limit was lowered. This statistic shows that the change in speed limit adversely affected the alertness of drivers.”
AI 92. “Government should establish regulations to reduce or eliminate any suspected health hazards in the environment, even when the scientific studies of these health hazards are incomplete or contradictory.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
3.DS:x>y? (1)xy^2=3 (2)x^2y=9。这题我居然做错了,晕啊
4.某人修整长方形的花圃,width=12,面积=216;现此人要将该花圃改造成正方形,条件是周长不变,问长方形和正方形面积之差=? 9
5.博物馆卖票,上午9:00至下午5:55,每5分钟售票给30个人,inclusively;普通票9元,学生票5元。某天学生票销售量是普通票的三倍,求总销售金额?我选E 29600
1.infer: 关于照片(或者照相器材之类)的销售,说某年40%的销售是first-time user,剩下是replacement user;当年的replacement user的sale占全部sale的20%,剩下是first-time user。问下面哪个可以推出?答单位平均销售first-time user 高于replacement user
In response to viral infection, the immune systems of mice typically produce antibodies that destroy the virus by binding to proteins on its surface. Mice infected with a herpesvirus generally develop keratitis, a degenerative disease affecting part of the eye. Since proteins on the surface of cells in this part of the eye closely resemble those on the herpesvirus surface, scientists hypothesize that these cases of keratitis are caused by antibodies to herpesvirus.
Which of the following, if true, gives the greatest additional support to the scientists’ hypothesis?
选项部分变了:没有原GWD中的D选项 There are mice that are unable to form antibodies in response to herpes infections, and these mice survive these infections without ever developing keratitis.
1. Dubbed in ..., sb ......
2. XXXed by the most to be ..., Bob Dyln ....
1. 中世纪的women life expectancy,现象解释型。共4段:
一段,scholar的研究,可以从男性的生日、死亡日期记录+皇家女性的记录,推出女性的 life expectancy情况;这段提到“黑死病”,有题问作者提到“黑死病”的目的是什么?
三段说随着农业的发展,因为这时候的农业需要heavy work,所以reduce the demand,原来妇女、儿童、老人占农业劳动力的比例下降了,;因此妇女的 life expectancy随着年龄的增长, life expectancy是增大的(相对于同年领人),此处有题。
2. analyst strategy VS Fast-Track strategy
首段介绍在Competetor Analysis中有两种策略analyst strategy and Fast-Track strategy,前者是用这个行业的专家,后者是用xxx(忘了)
二段应该是说 analyst 策略,说它的好处是能够服务于公司的长期利益(大意)
二三段很多转折,看时注意点。有两个题,一个问FT策略与A策略的不同点,一个问analyst (或者是FT,忘了)策略的优点。
3. nursing ideology 这篇jj说的还好,下划线部分是我的增加。
中间两段挺多背景内容的,读的很顺,又没考点,加之回忆这个的时候已经是半夜了,都忘了,对不住了。before 18xx 如何如何 after 18xx 如何如何,具体不记得,好像没题
有人开设了护士学校,使她们被培训,得到了各方支持。R同学却认为,三方的目的都不一样(divergent此处有考题)。比如医院管理者支持培训护士,是为了控制更便宜的劳动力的来源,医生支持护士培训,是为了把更多此类工作转移给护士,并且凸现医生的地位(还有一方的意见,也是反派,可俺忘了,岁月不饶人啊)。而学校设立者的初衷无法实现,渐渐失去了对护士学校的控制权。护士学校的admit standard等等降低了。
4. Rock的vanishing现象,解释是细菌,时间不够基本没看,35行3题(太可惜了)
注意,此片阅读有可能是属于低分题库。:( |