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求教 OG12 CR 111!!

The difficulty with the proposed high-speed train line is that a used plane can be bought for one-third the price of the train line, and the plane, which is just as fast, can fly anywhere. The train would be a fixed linear system, and we live in a world that is spreading out in all directions and in which consumers choose the freewheel systems(cars, buses, aircraft), which do not have fixed routes. Thus a sufficient market for the train will not exist.
Which of the following, if true, most severely weakens the argument presented above?
   (A) Cars, buses, and planes require the efforts of drivers and pilots to guide them, whereas the train will be guided mechanically.
   (B) Cars and buses are not nearly as fast as the high-speed train will be.
   (C) Planes are not a free-wheel system because they can fly only between airports, which are less convenient for consumers than the high speed train’s stations would be.
   (D) The high-speed train line cannot use currently underutilized train stations in large cities. (E) For long trips, most people prefer to fly rather than to take ground-level transportation.

这道题是有多个论据来支持论点的,答案C weaken了其中一个论据,但是另一个旧飞机比高速铁路便宜很多也是很重要的一个论据啊,我觉得并不能影响决策者一面倒地改变原来的观点

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该文根本就没提到无人驾驶这回事情,A 是无关选项。



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