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天山 7-4

The idea that equipping homes
with electrical appliances and other
“modern” household technologies
Line would eliminate drudgery, save labor
(5) time, and increase leisure for women
who were full-time home workers
remained largely unchallenged until
the women’s movement of the 1970’s
spawned the groundbreaking and
(10) influential works of sociologist Joann
Vanek and historian Ruth Cowan.
Vanek analyzed 40 years of timeuse
surveys conducted by home
economists to argue that electrical
(15) appliances and other modern household
technologies reduced the effort
required to perform specific tasks,
but ownership of these appliances did
not correlate with less time spent on
(20) housework by full-time home workers.
In fact, time spent by these workers
remained remarkably constant? at
about 52 to 54 hours per week? from
the 1920’s to the 1960’s, a period
(25) of significant change in household
technology. In surveying two
centuries of household technology
in the United States, Cowan argued
that the “industrialization” of the home
(30) often resulted in more work for full-time
home workers because the use of
such devices as coal stoves, water
pumps, and vacuum cleaners tended
to reduce the workload of married-
(35) women’s helpers (husbands, sons,
daughters, and servants) while
promoting a more rigorous standard
of housework. The full-time home
worker’s duties also shifted to include
(40) more household management, child
care, and the post-Second World War
phenomenon of being “Mom’s taxi.”

4.According to the passage, which of the following is true about the idea mentioned in line 1?

A. It has been undermined by data found in time-use survey conducted by home economists

E. It inaccurately suggested that new household technologies would reduce the effort required to perform housework.

Ans: A

A是答案没有问题,但是E错在什么地方呢?是因为Idea只提及消除枯燥,节省时间,增加休闲而没有涉及到effort to perform housework么?

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因为这句话“electrical appliances and other modern household technologies reduced the effort required to perform specific tasks, but ownership of these appliances did not correlate with less time spent on housework by full-time home workers. ” 所以E 不对。


Vanek 與 Cowan並不是提出" definitioin of housework"的錯誤






Vanek analyzed 40 years of timeuse
surveys conducted by home
economists to
argue that electrical
(15) appliances and other modern household
technologies reduced the effort
required to perform specific tasks
but ownership of these appliances did
not correlate with less time spent on
(20) housework by full-time home workers.

蓝色字体部分:说的就是A,这些home economist的survey数据恰恰反驳了LINE 1的内容



A中的“survey conducted by home economists”,跟文中的“works of sociologist Joann Vanek and historian Ruth Cowan.”不符啊?应该是不对的吧


what's wrong in  q4-choice B, thanks.

B. It was based on a definition of housework that was explicitly rejected by Vanek and Cowan.


是的。事实上,文章的作者小心地回避了effort这个问题而用time来衡量technologies的效果;通篇看来没有提到effort;而且我们知道,reduction of the effort确实是事实,而决不是inaccurately suggested...



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