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GMAT prep上的一道数学题求质因数

For every positive integer n, the function h(n) is defined to be the product of all the even integers from 2 to n, inclusive. If p is the smallest prime factor of h(100)+1, then p is
A.between 2 to 10
B.between 10 to 20
C.between 20 to 30
D.between 30 to 40
E.greater than 40
答案选E,对于这种找质因数的题目,总是感觉没有什么好的思路,东拼西凑的,请大大们求教一下~ 感激不尽~
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2*k!+1=pm, p大于比k小的最近一个质因数




首先谢谢解答,不过还有些疑问:首先题目要求的是求解最小质因数,你指出的是the largest prime number?;其次,因为A+1中的A里面包含有47就推断A+1的质因数大于40?个人觉得不太合理,比如说10*47+1=471,就有最小质因数3啊


As per definition, the value h(100) = 2 x 4 x 6 x 8 x ....... x 100

This can be simplified as:

h(100) = 2 x [1 x 2 x 3 x .......50] = 2 x 50!

If you add 1 to the above number we will get 2 x 50! + 1 which is an odd number. If you look at the expression 2 x (50!), the largest prime number factor of this number is 47 (because 47 is the largest prime factor that is less than 50). So if you add 1 to the above expression, then I think its prime factor has to be greater than 47. So the answer is (E).



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