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【求问】各路大神。 OG13 CR67

67. Several industries have recently switched at least partly from older technologies powered by fossil fuels to new technologies powered by electricity. It is thus evident that less fossil fuel is being used as a result of the operations of these industries than would have been used if these industries had retained their older technologies.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument above?
(A) Many of the industries that have switched at least partly to the new technologies have increased their output.
(B) Less fossil fuel was used to manufacture the machinery employed in the new technologies than was originally used to manufacture the machinery employed in the older technologies.
(C) More electricity is used by those industries that have switched at least partly to the new technologies than by those industries that have not switched.
(D) Some of the industries that have switched at least partly to the new technologies still use primarily technologies that are powered by fossil fuels.
(E) The amount of fossil fuel used to generate the electricity needed to power the new technologies is less than the amount that would have been used to power the older technologies.

manufacture the machinery in the technology 不能看做是operation 的一部分么????
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