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OG13 Starfish, with anywhere from five to eight arms

Starfish, withanywhere from five to eight arms, have a strong regenerative ability, and if onearm is lost it quickly replaces it, sometimes by the animal overcompensatingand growing an extra one or two.

(A) one arm islost it quickly replaces it, sometimes by the animal overcompensating and

(B) one arm islost it is quickly replaced, with the animal sometimes overcompensating and

(C) they lose onearm they quickly replace it, sometimes by the animal overcompensating,

(D) they lose onearm they are quickly replaced, with the animal sometimes overcompensating,

(E) they lose onearm it is quickly replaced, sometimes with the animal overcompensating,

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Think about the story: Starfish (plural) have a certain ability: if they lose an arm, another one grows in its place. In fact, sometimes the animal overcompensates for the loss by growing extra arms. Note that the last idea (the animal overcompensates) is not an explanation of how the arm is replaced, but rather a side note about what sometimes happens along with the replacement of the arm.

Now that we have a clear idea of the intended meaning, let's go through the choices.

A) "it replaces it" is not right since starfish is used in the plural here (we know because of the plural verb "have" earlier). In addition, it's not ideal to link the two ideas with "by" as though the animal replaces the arm by overcompensating. As noted above, the overcompensation is a possible side effect rather than how the arm is replaced.

B) Passive voice ("one arm is lost" and "one arm is replaced" are both passive). This doesn't automatically make a sentence wrong, but raises a flag. Otherwise, I don't have any problem with B

C) Like A, this answer links the ideas with "by" as though the starfish replaces its arm by overcompensating. This doesn't fit the intended story.

D)"they are quickly replaced" is incorrect since "they" cannot refer to the singular arm that was lost.

E) See Additional notes below.

Additional notes:
(1) In addition, unlike A and B, which tell us "with/by the animal overcompensating and growing extra arms", C through E tell us "with/by the animal overcompensating, growing extra arms". The linkage in A and B is more appropriate since these actions occur in sequence. The animal indeed overcompensates and grows extra arms. This can be used to eliminate C, D and E

(2) A, D and E break the flow of the sentence by having a mismatch of active and passive voice in the condition and consequence. A is passive->active (if one arm is lost it replaces it) while D and E are active->passive (if they lose one arm it is quickly replaced). Ideally, both clauses would be active ("if they lose one arm they quickly replace it" as in C). The next best option is to have two passive options ("if one arm is lost it is quickly replaced"). This can be used to eliminate A, D, and E


The tagging may include SV number agreement, and conjunction, which are also important things tested here. Starfish is treated as plural here as can be seen from the plural verb have in the non-underlined part

A one arm is lost it quickly replaces it, sometimes by the animal overcompensating and--- it seems as if the plural starfish is pronouned by the first, singular it; in addition in an active voice sentence, the use of by is improper

B one arm is lost it is quickly replaced, with the animal sometimes overcompensating and ------- seems ok with the SV problem avoided altogether. Here the it should logically refer to the arm. correct choice

C they lose one arm they quickly replace it, sometimes by the animal overcompensating, -----use of by is improper in an active voice setting. It should be with the animal rather than by the animal; overcompensating, growing is improper co-ordination. There should be an and in between

D they lose one arm they are quickly replaced, with the animal sometimes overcompensating,’---use of they means that the starfish themselves are replaced; over compensating should be followed by and

E they lose one arm it is quickly replaced, sometimes with the animal overcompensating, --- in a passive voice we need to use by rather than with ; in addition overcompensating should be followed by and


看完A最直接的想法是it quickly replaces it中的it 指谁 意思上应该是主语Starfish吧 但这是复数 杀A 发现问题后以最快速度扫选项BCDE BC还行 再看DE D的they are quickly replaced中的THEY指谁 E中的这表达同样让人觉得别扭 同时E又出现了一个新的问题 overcompensating和growing 在意思上应该是相呼应的两个部分 其中间应该有个AND进行联接 所以同样的问题再杀C 只有B还行



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