yourt 当前离线
我现在读大二,打算一毕业就去美国读研,但现在还处于迷茫中,有以下问题急待解答~~~~~~谢谢!1、有什么专业与管理接近但不需提供工作经验。(本人现读国际经贸专业) 哪里有这方面的资料?2、我现在还未考任一科英语试。那我未来的时间内应该干写什么,及如何安排呢?
vagrant 当前离线
it is a too big question.
pls start from the english tests, once you determine your career direction.
lock 当前离线
most mba programs need working experience, you may try master of accounting.if you want to make your dream true, I mean, right after graduation go to usa, you need begin your preparation at least 18 months ahead.
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