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Passage 3
     Federal efforts to aid minority businesses began in the
1960’s when the Small Business Administration (SBA)
began making federally guaranteed loans and govern-
ment-sponsored management and technical assistance
(5) available to minority business enterprises. While this
program enabled many minority entrepreneurs to
form new businesses, the results were disappointing,
since managerial inexperience, unfavorable locations,
and capital shortages led to high failure rates. Even 15
(10) years after the program was implemented, minority      
  business receipts were not quite two percent of the national
  economy’s total receipts.
      Recently federal policymakers have adopted an
approach intended to accelerate development of the
(15) minority business sector by moving away from directly
aiding small minority enterprises and toward supporting
larger, growth-oriented minority firms through interme-
diary companies. In this approach, large corporations
participate in the development of successful and stable
(20) minority businesses by making use of government-
sponsored venture capital. The capital is used by a
participating company to establish a Minority Enterprise
Small Business Investment Company or MESBIC. The
MESBIC then provides capital and guidance to minority
(25) businesses that have potential to become future suppliers
or customers of the sponsoring company.
   MESBIC’s are the result of the belief that providing
established firms with easier access to relevant manage-
ment techniques and more job-specific experience, as
(30) well as substantial amounts of capital, gives those firms
a greater opportunity to develop sound business founda-
tions than does simply making general management
experience and small amounts of capital available.
Further, since potential markets for the minority busi-
(35) nesses already exist through the sponsoring companies,   
   the minority businesses face considerably less risk in
terms of location and market fluctuation. Following
early financial and operating problems, sponsoring
corporations began to capitalize MESBIC’s far above
(40) the legal minimum of $500,000 in order to generate
sufficient income and to sustain the quality of manage-
ment needed. MESBIC’c are now emerging as increas-
ingly important financing sources for minority enter-
(45)  Ironically, MESBIC staffs, which usually consist of
Hispanic and Black professionals, tend to approach
investments in minority firms more pragmatically than
do many MESBIC directors, who are usually senior
managers from sponsoring corporations. The latter
(50) often still think mainly in terms of the “social responsi-
bility approach” and thus seem to prefer deals that are
riskier and less attractive than normal investment criteria
   would warrant. Such differences in viewpoint have pro-
   duced uneasiness among many minority staff members,
(55) who feel that minority entrepreneurs and businesses
should be judged by established business considerations.
These staff members believe their point of view is closer
to the original philosophy of MESBIC’s and they are
concerned that, unless a more prudent course is fol-
lowed, MESBIC directors may revert to policies likely
to re-create the disappointing results of the original SBA
5. The author refers to the “financial and operating problems”(line 38 ) encountered by MESBIC’s primarily in order to
(A)    broaden the scope of the discussion to include the legal considerations of funding MESBIC’S through sponsoring companies
(B)    call attention to the fact that MESBIC’s must receive adequate funding in order to function effectively
(C)    show that sponsoring companies were willing to invest only $500,000 of government-sponsored venture capital in the original MESBIC’s
(D)    compare SBA and MESBIC limits on minimum funding  
(E)    refute suggestions that MESBIC’s have been only marginally successful
B is the best answer.
The reference in lines 56-57 to “financial and operating problems” appears in the context of a discussion of why corporations came to capitalize MESBIC”s “far above the legal minimum of $ 500,000.” The problems are cited to illustrate the reasons that MESBIC’s need more。
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5.    Based on information in the passage, which of the following would be indicative of the pragmatism of MESBIC staff members?
I.    A reluctance to invest in minority businesses that show marginal expectations of return on the investments
II.    A desire to invest in minority businesses that produce goods and services likely to be of use to the sponsoring company
III.    A belief that the minority business sector is best served by investing primarily in newly established businesses
(A) I only
(B) III only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II and III



想请教一下,我的理解能力不是很好,读完题后感觉根本读不出两个例子之间是由一个推出另一个的关系啊。光读题的话,第二句直接说In the five years…与第一句之间也没什么衔接,怎么能看出作者是在暗示由后面推出前面,即:由Colson非折扣店挤垮其他店后新开了一家店,推出Goreville折扣店挤垮其他店后也会有新店开张呢?读完题看不出这层推理关系就更别说削弱推理关系了是不是我自己水平太弱了。。。


请教一下 第三段是否和第一段L8-9 SBA时代minority business面临三个问题对应

managerial inexperience: L27~L33, MESBIC’s……available   

unfavorable location: L34~L37: Further, …fluctuation,

capital shortage: Following early financial and operating problems,….

所以, early financial and operating problems 比较像是minority enterprises遇到问题,

甚至从SBA时代就已经有的问题, MESBIC用增加capital来解决这个问题

这样理解对不对, 还请指点一下, 谢谢~~





另外,在下面这句话中,gives 的主语是什么?result吗?谢谢!!

MESBIC’s are the result of the belief that providing
established firms with easier access to relevant manage-
ment techniques and more job-specific experience, as
(30) well as substantial amounts of capital, gives those firms
a greater opportunity to develop sound business founda-
tions than does simply making general management
experience and small amounts of capital available.


5. The author refers to the “financial and operating problems”(line 38 ) encountered by MESBIC’s primarily in order to


Following early financial and operating problems, sponsoring corporations began to capitalize MESBIC’s far above the legal minimum of $500,000 in order to generate sufficient income and to sustain the quality of management needed.

虽然这个following从语法角度应该修饰sponsoring corporations,但其实是修饰MESBIC。

文中"MESBIC'S"是MESBIC的复数形式,可能所有大写字母缩写的复数都是加 ['s]。


我认为,early financial and operating problems是指开始时,sponsoring companies在通过MESBIC’s帮助族裔公司方面遇到了财务和运营问题。后来,通过增加投资额度来改善收入和经营状况。


MESBIC’s are the result of the belief that providing
established firms with easier access to relevant manage-
ment techniques and more job-specific experience, as
(30) well as substantial amounts of capital, gives those firms
a greater opportunity to develop sound business founda-
tions than does simply making general management
experience and small amounts of capital available.
Further, since potential markets for the minority busi-
(35) nesses already exist through the sponsoring companies,   
   the minority businesses face considerably less risk in
terms of location and market fluctuation. Following
early financial and operating problems,
corporations began to capitalize MESBIC’s far above
(40) the legal minimum of $500,000 in order to generate
sufficient income and to sustain the quality of manage-
ment needed.
MESBIC’c are now emerging as increas-
ingly important financing sources for minority enter-

5. The author refers to the “financial and operating problems”(line 38 ) encountered by MESBIC’s primarily in order to
(A) broaden the scope of the discussion to include the legal considerations of funding MESBIC’S through sponsoring companies
(B) call attention to the fact that MESBIC’s must receive adequate funding in order to function effectively
(C) show that sponsoring companies were willing to invest only $500,000 of government-sponsored venture capital in the original MESBIC’s
(D) compare SBA and MESBIC limits on minimum funding  
(E) refute suggestions that MESBIC’s have been only marginally successful

B is the best answer.
The reference in lines 56-57 to “financial and operating problems” appears in the context of a discussion of why corporations came to capitalize MESBIC”s “far above the legal minimum of $ 500,000.” The problems are cited to illustrate the reasons that MESBIC’s need more。

The $500,000 mentioned in the passage is the minimum level of funding required, not a maximum as suggested in C.

如果"following early financial and operating problems" 修饰sponsoring companies,那么这句话想表达的意思是不是由于赞助企业经历过早期的财务和运营上的困难,所以就更加理解minority companies的处境,也就更愿意投资更多钱给MESBIC去帮助少数民族企业取得成功?



C) "only" $500,000---No, they spent much more than that.
As for B),  The passage introduces the "problems" first, then mentions that they were solved after those corp. spent far above (40) the legal minimum of $500,000.



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