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OG12 CR 89 求赐教!!!

89. Since it has become known that several of a bank’s top executives have been buying shares in their own
bank, the bank’s depositors, who had been worried by rumors that the bank faced impending fi nancial collapse,
have been greatly relieved. They reason that, since top executives evidently have faith in the bank’s fi nancial
soundness, those worrisome rumors must be false. Such reasoning might well be overoptimistic, however, since
corporate executives have been known to buy shares in their own company in a calculated attempt
to dispel negative rumors about the company’s health.
In the argument given, the two boldfaced portions play which of the following roles?
(A) The fi rst describes evidence that has been taken as supporting a conclusion; the second gives a reason
for questioning that support.
(B) The fi rst describes evidence that has been taken as supporting a conclusion; the second states a contrary
conclusion that is the main conclusion of the argument.
(C) The fi rst provides evidence in support of the main conclusion of the argument; the second states that
(D) The fi rst describes the circumstance that the argument as a whole seeks to explain; the second gives the
explanation that the argument seeks to establish.
(E) The fi rst describes the circumstance that the argument as a whole seeks to explain; the second provides
evidence in support of the explanation that the argument seeks to establish.
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这道题屡做屡错, 一直都按这种逻辑想, 所以在D,E 之间挣扎
但是仔细一想会发现, 哪有conclusion 还用might 开头的啊!!! 这也太不自信了吧!
所以, 还是另一种说法比较说得通, conclusion 是 since top executivesevidently have faith in thebank's financial soundness,thoseworrisomerumorsmustbefalse, 而后面那一堆是用来反驳conclusion 的


DE不对的原因是短文根本不想解释这种现象,而是要反驳A中的“a conclusion”。结构大概是:不明真相的群众:证据A1,结论A2.作者:结论B1,证据B2

“a conclusion”是A2,BF1是A1,BF2是B2,作者真正的观点是A1:“Such reasoning might well be overoptimistic”


我明白了~我把d答案里的第二个explanation理解成了可以包含supporting。。。Thank you!


但是D答案楼上的 MM理解错了,D答案说的是第一个BF是文章想要解释的现象,第二个BF解释了这个现象。注意看OG上的解释,上面也说了第二个BF本身不是第一个BF的解释,它是support conclusion的。
A答案说的是第一个BF是支持一个结论(lsMM说的Opposing Opinion),第二个BF是对这个reasoning提出疑问。


Since it hasbecome known that several of a bank'stop executives have been buying shares in their own bank, the bank'sdepositors, who had been worriedby rumorsthat the bank faced impendingfinancial collapse, have been greatly relieved.
(backgroud)They reason that, since top executivesevidently have faith in thebank's financial soundness, those worrisome rumorsmust be false. (opposing opinion) Such reasoning mightwell be overoptimistic,(conclusion)
however, since corporateexecutives have been known to buy shares in their own company in a calculatedattempt
to dispel negative rumors about the company's health.(the explanation)

so I choose D
(D)  The first describes the circumstance that the argument asa wholeseeks to explain; the secondgives the explanation that the argumentseeks to establish.


Both BF are premises . . . Only A says so.


Since it has become known that several of a bank’s top executives have been buying shares in their own
, the bank’s depositors, who had been worried by rumors that the bank faced impending fi nancial collapse,
have been greatly relieved. They reason that, since top executives evidently have faith in the bank’s fi nancial
soundness, those worrisome rumors must be false. Such reasoning might well be overoptimistic, however, since
corporate executives have been known to buy shares in their own company in a calculated attempt
to dispel negative rumors about the company’s health


I cannot see the BF.



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