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64. The imposition of quotas limiting imported steel will not help the big American steel mills. In fact, the quotas will help “mini-mills” flourish in the LACE w:st="on">United StatesLACE>. Those small domestic mills will take more business from the big Americal steel mills than would have been taken by the foreign steel mills in the absence of quotas.

Which of the following, if true, would cast the most serious doubt on the claim made in the last sentence above?

(A) Quality rather than price is a major factor in determining the type of steel to be used for a particular application.

(B) Foreign steel mills have long produced grades of steel comparable in quality to the steel produced by the big American mills.

(C) American quotas on imported goods have often induced other countries to impose similar quotas on American goods.

(D) Domestic “mini-mills” consistently produce better grades of steel than do the big American mills.

(E) Domestic “mini-mills” produce low-volume, specialized types of steels that are not produced by the big American steel mills. E



那些小钢铁工厂将会从国内大钢铁工厂得到business(我的理解就是可以从那里接更多的活,我不知道take more business from 是啥意思,查词典也没有找出来)这些business比在没有进口限额限制的情况下国内大钢铁公司从国外钢铁工厂进口的要多---也就是说,如果实行进口限额,将会促进小厂的发展(因为好多business以前是从外国企业进口的,而现在转给小厂加工了,所以小厂的生意多了)而对大厂的发展没有啥影响。



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