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13.   Which of the following most logically completes theargument?

United States manufacturers currently produce most of theworld's solar-power generators--most of which are exported to Europe.  However, European manufacturers are emergingand probably will ultimately capture much of the European market.  The United States government is funding initiativesintended to encourage use of solar power within the United States.  If these initiatives succeed in increasingthe demand for solar-power generators in the United States, United Statesmanufacturers will probably maintain significant production levels, since__________.

(A) some United States manufacturers have beensubstantially increasing their output over the last several years

(B) the efficiency of solar-power generators inconverting energy from the Sun into electric power is not improving as fast asit once did

(C) just as European manufacturers enjoy certaincompetitive advantages in Europe, so do United States manufacturers in theUnited States

(D) European governments are currently undertakinginitiatives to stimulate the use of solar power within Europe

(E) the current market for solar-power generators in theUnited States is very limited

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谢谢。明白了 特别是C和E之间,我也是感觉GMAC出题尽量不引入额外的因素 阅读也是这样。


ok, one thing should be clear at the outset: you're trying to fill in a gap in the logic. (in fact, there's a literal gap to fill in!)

here's a diagram type thingy:
euro companies emerge
euro companies take over euro market
u.s. market emerges
u.s. companies will replace euro market sales with u.s. market sales

we currently have facts asserting that the u.s. firms will lose their hold on the euro market. however, we have nothing asserting that the u.s. firms will gain a hold on the u.s. market, the second half of the conclusion.

therefore, we need an assertion that says, or implies, that the u.s. firms will gain a hold in the u.s. market (i.e., the euro firms won't take over the u.s. market as well).

(a) irrelevant:
- recent increases are unrelated to maintaining production in the future
- recent increases in production have nothing to do with the main logic gap (ensuring that u.s. firms will have a hold on the u.s. market)

(b) irrelevant:
- this has nothing to do with anything related to the argument

(c) correct
this statement strongly suggests that the u.s. firms will dominate the u.s. market for the same reasons that the euro firms will dominate the euro market.

(d) doesn't help
- we know that the u.s. firms will lose the euro market anyway, so it doesn't matter whether that market grows or not

(e) WEAKENS the argument
- if the u.s. market is very small, then it's likely that the production/revenue/etc of u.s. firms will decline rather than stay constant.


as far as you query 'what is the best way to arrive at the correct answer': there's clearly not an extremely simple way, since gmac would not bother writing these questions if there were. the best way to figure out the underlying logic is to make a diagram (like the one i made above, with the ands and therefores), which will force you to map out the logic.


I dint like C.. because... C was more vague compared to E..

here's something to keep in mind when you do these.

if you're torn between two answers on Strengthen/Weaken, you should try to PICK THE ANSWER THAT'S MORE DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE SPECIFIC ELEMENTS OF THE PASSAGE'S LINE OF REASONING.

in this case, here are the "specific elements" i'm talking about:
this argument is designed to show that
* american manufacturers will still maintain domestic market share,
* even with the encroachment of the european manufacturers on the market.

the problem with the choice you selected is that it has nothing to do with the latter of these two factors. in addition, as mentioned in my post above, if the american market is very small to start with, then this factor works against the argument (even if that small market grows so that it's ... not so small).



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