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GWD-21-Q38 different type

93.     (GWD-21-Q38 different type)

Becauseit was long thought that few people would watch lengthy televised politicalmessages, most televised political advertisements, like commercialadvertisements, took the form of short messages.  Last year, however, one candidate produced ahalf-hour-long advertisement.  At thebeginning of the half-hour slot a substantial portion of the viewing public hadtuned in to that station.  Clearly, then,many more people are interested in lengthy televised political messages thanwas previously thought.
Whichof the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A.The candidate who produced the half-hour-long advertisement did not winelection at the polls.
B. Thehalf-hour-long advertisement was widely publicized before it was broadcast.
C. The half-hour-long advertisement wasaired during a time slot normally taken by one of the most popular prime-timeshows.
D.Most short political advertisements are aired during a wide range of programsin order to reach a broad spectrum of viewers.
E.In general a regular-length television program that features debate about currentpolitical issues depends for its appeal on the personal qualities of theprogram's moderator.
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u r the queen of cr


本题是用他因来weaken的吗? 也就是说很多人turned into that station并非是interested in lengthy televised political messages ,而是因为正好是电视的热门时段吗?


What you said about B labels choice B as a strengthener, nor a weakener.



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