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75. Advertisers are often criticized for their unscrupulous manipulation of people’s tastes and wants. There is evidence, however, that some advertisers are motivated by moral as well as financial considerations. A particular publication decided to change its image from being a family newspaper to concentrating one sex and violence, thus appealing to a different readership. Some advertisers withdrew their advertisements from the publication, and this must have been because they morally disapproved of publishing salacious material.

Which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument?

A. The advertisers switched their advertisements to other family newspapers.

B. Some advertisers switched from family newspapers to advertise in the changed publication.

C. The advertisers expected their product sales to increase if they stayed with the changed publication, but to decrease if they withdrew.

D. People who generally read family newspapers are not likely to buy newspapers that concentrate on sex and violence.

E. It was expected that the changed publication would appeal principally to those in a different income group.



A. 支持但不是最强

B. advertisers考虑了publication转变了不同的读者群,还是financial considerations

C. 直接举证说明原因:是为了moral,应为salesincrease if they stayed with the changed publication,但salesdecrease if they withdrew

D. 无关

E. 无关

弄不明白为什么是C啊,觉得C不是在说moral啊, 觉得A才对, 请各位NN赐教.

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many  thanks !!!!!


C 的翻译:广告主如果维持在改版的杂志上做广告,他们预见到销售额会增长;如果撤离此杂志,销售额会下降.----原文:撤离改版的杂志.---体现moral.



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