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111。Personnel officer:  The exorbitant cost of our health-insurance benefits reflects the high dollar amount of medical expenses incurred by our employees.  Employees who are out of shape, as a group, have higher doctor bills and longer hospital stays than do their colleagues who are fit.  Therefore, since we must reduce our health-insurance costs, we should offer a rigorous fitness program of jogging and weight lifting to all employees, and require employees who are out of shape to participate.  
Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the personnel officer's proposal?
A. The medical expenses incurred by fit people who participate in a program of jogging and weight lifting are less than those incurred by fit people who do not participate in such a program.
B. More otherwise fit people are injured by participating in rigorous jogging and weight-lifting programs than are injured by participating in moderate jogging and weight-lifting programs.
C. The likelihood of incurring medical expenses is slightly greater for people who participate in fitness programs offered by their employers than it is for people who participate in programs offered commercially.
D. Moderate fitness programs increase the average person's fitness to the same extent that rigorous fitness programs do.
E. More health problems and injuries are the result of mandatory participation in a fitness program than are the result of voluntary participation.
122。题干同上,问题是The conclusion reached by the personnel officer depends on which of the following assumptions?
A. A person who is fit would receive a routine physical checkup by a doctor less regularly than would a person who is out of shape.
B. The medical expenses incurred by employees who are required to participate in the fitness program would be less than those incurred by employees who are not required to participate.
C. The strenuous activities required of out-of-shape employees by the program would not by themselves generate medical expenses greater than any reduction achieved by the program.
D. The fitness program would serve more employees who are out of shape than it would employees who are fit.
E. The employees who participate in the fitness program would be away from work because of illness less than would the employees who do not participate.
第一题选A,我认为是让fit people参加锻炼使他们的medical expenses减少,而people out-of shape也可能变fit
问题来了,第二题B选为什么错呢(正选是C)?和require out-of shape people to participate the exercises有关吗?
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恩,我当时想的就是B取反后是“参加活动的人的medical expenses比不参加的人的大于或等于”,这样的话活 ...
ashleych 发表于 2012-6-25 20:17


锁定argument的最后一句,“we should offer a rigorous fitness program of jogging and weight lifting to all employees, and require employees who are out of shape to participate”,B的意思应该是“被要求参加的program的人(也就是out of shape的人)带来的expenses比不被要求的参加的人(即正常shape的人)要高”,这个是argument信息的重复(Employees who are out of shape, as a group, have higher doctor bills and longer hospital stays than do their colleagues who are fit)。



第一道题中,就当这个公司有两种人,一种是out of shape的,一种是fit的。而公司推出这个计划是lifting to  ...
legnawen 发表于 2012-6-22 21:53



LZ看到第二题assumption的时候要记得:如果对某个选项取否时原文立马就 ...
danielgc 发表于 2012-6-24 20:49

恩,我当时想的就是B取反后是“参加活动的人的medical expenses比不参加的人的大于或等于”,这样的话活动就没有意义了,所以他削弱了reduce the expenses的目的。以下是我在网上搜的解释觉得有点道理The aim of the argument is :to bring down the medical expenses incurred by employees who are out of shape.(as they incure high amount)
We are not concerned with those employees who are "inshape"
B is comparing costs incured by employees who are required to participate to who are not required to participate.
Argument is not tryin to do that..

而且我觉得文章比较的是计划前后medical expenses的变化(因为目的就是to reduce the expenses),和不是参加计划本身人的花费的比较。


B. The medical expenses incurred by employees who are required to participate in the fitness program would be less than those incurred by employees who are not required to participate.
参加fitness 的人产生(incurred勉强翻译成这样吧~)的医药费比不参加fitness的人产生的医药费要少。
C. The strenuous activities required of out-of-shape employees by the program would not by themselves generate medical expenses greater than any reduction achieved by the program.

B取否后是not less than;C取否后是great than


第一道题中,就当这个公司有两种人,一种是out of shape的,一种是fit的。而公司推出这个计划是lifting to all employees。而out of shape 的人参加后就会变健康,少看医生。而那些fit的人参加后也会比没参加之前看医生的花费要少。这正是A所提到的。



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