AWA:43 The following appeared in an article in the health section of a newspaper. “There is a common misconception that university hospitals are better than community or private hospitals. This notion is unfounded, however: the university hospitals in our region employ 15 percent fewer doctors, have a 20 percent lower success rate in treating patients, make far less overall profit, and pay their medical staff considerably less than do private hospitals. Furthermore, many doctors at university hospitals typically divide their time among teaching, conducting research, and treating patients. From this it seems clear that the quality of care at university hospitals is lower than that at other kinds of hospitals.”
AWI:“It is difficult for people to achieve professional success without sacrificing important aspects of a fulfilling personal life.”
关于690这个分数我也不知道该怎么办好,大家觉得用不用重考呢?我是大三的学生,也没有工作经验打算直接出国,真不知道还要不要再考一次呢?…… |