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A recent spate of launching and operating mishaps with television satellites led to a corresponding surge in claims against companies underwriting satellite insurance
As a result, insurance premiums shot upmaking satellites more expensive to launch and operateThisin turnhad added to the pressure to squeeze more performance out of currently operating satellites

Which of the following, if true, taken together with the information abovebest supports the conclusion that the cost of television satellites will continue to increase?

Since the risk to insurers of satellites is spread over relatively few units
insurance premiums are necessarily very high

When satellites reach orbit and then fail
the causes of failure are generally impossible to pinpoint with confidence

The greater the performance demands placed on satellites
the more frequently those satellites break down

Most satellites are produced in such small numbers that no economies of scale can be realized

Since many satellites are built by unwieldy international consortia
inefficiencies are inevitable

Argument Evaluation

A rise in the number of claims after a series of accidents has forced insurance companies to raise prices for coverage of television satellites
Consequently, new satellites are more expensiveand existing satellites must perform moreThe cost of television satellites will continue to increase

The correct answer is C
这里从原文实在推导不出来and existing satellites must perform more,  

是不是因为卫星老是出事,所以它必须perform more呢?但是前面说了Thisin turnhad added to the pressure to squeeze more performance out of currently operating satellites 是使它性能越来越 差啊。
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out of 在这里是从……之中的意思,最直白的翻译就是从现有的卫星中挤出更多的performance~这样就选C了


不是,理解错了.意思是说近来发射卫星屡次的问题(mishap)造成了要求承诺支付保险 因为保险费涨,所以造成运营费用越来越高.那么反过来,公司肯定会缩减卫星数量,让现有卫星做更多工作(不然成本不是狂涨).



这样就陷入了一个vicious cycle,这个cycle的唯一结果就是成本永远会增加


added to the pressure to squeeze more performance out of currently operating satellites就是greater p ...
uniquenellier 发表于 2012-2-14 21:30

As a result, insurance premiums shot upmaking satellites more expensive to launch and operateThisin turnhad added to the pressure to squeeze more performance out of currently operating satellites
我的疑惑是因为有In turn(成本越来越高),所以有pressure来减少(squeeze out)现在卫星的performance。


added to the pressure to squeeze more performance out of currently operating satellites就是greater performance demand place on the current satellites.



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