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求助。。。。。。OG12 CR 122题

122. The spacing of the four holes on a fragment of a bone fl ute excavated at a Neanderthal campsite is just what is
required to play the third through sixth notes of the diatonic scale—the seven-note musical scale used in much
of Western music since the Renaissance. Musicologists therefore hypothesize that the diatonic musical scale
was developed and used thousands of years before it was adopted by Western musicians.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the hypothesis?

(A) Bone fl utes were probably the only musical instrument made by Neanderthals.
(B) No musical instrument that is known to have used a diatonic scale is of an earlier date than the fl ute found
at the Neanderthal campsite.
(C) The fl ute was made from a cave-bear bone and the campsite at which the fl ute fragment was excavated
was in a cave that also contained skeletal remains of cave bears.
(D) Flutes are the simplest wind instrument that can be constructed to allow playing a diatonic scale.
(E) The cave-bear leg bone used to make the Neanderthal fl ute would have been long enough to make a fl ute
capable of playing a complete diatonic scale.

这一题答案选E, 我完全没明白为什么。。。。其他几个为啥是错的。。。E为啥是对的呢。。。。。。大家帮帮我吧。。。。。谢谢了啊
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The hypothesis is that the diatonic musical scale was developed and used thousands of years before it was adopted by Western musicians.

A and D has nothing to do with the above hypothesis.




The flute found could only play from the 3rd to the 6th note of the 7-note scale.  It is possible that this flute could ONLY play this 4 notes instead of the required 7th.  

Answer E claims that the flute, at least based on its original length, could play the full notes. In other words, E makes sure the bone from which the flute is made is possible to support the 7 holes required for the 7-note diatonic scale.





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