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GMAT 逻辑分析题 (20)

Any official who takes bribes is filthy rich. No official who was under surveillance by National Security Bureau takes bribes. Therefore, any official who was under surveillance by National Security Bureau is good to have.

The conclusion of the argument follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?

A) It is not good to have any official who is filthy rich.
B) It is good to have any official who is not filthy rich.
C) It would have been good to have an official who took bribes if he or she had been under surveillance by National Security Bureau.
D) It is not good to have any official who takes bribes.
E) It is good to have any official who takes no bribes.
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It should be E. It's gap here again.


B is a very tempting choice.  But it is not the right answer for the question.





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