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Treatment for hypertension forestalls certain medical expenses by preventing strokes and heart disease.Yet any money so saved amounts to only one-fourth of the expenditures required to treat the hypertensive population.Therefore, there is no economic justification for preventive treatment for hypertension.

Which of the following, if true, is most damaging to the conclusion above?

(A) The many fatal strokes and heart attacks resulting from untreated hypertension cause insignificant medical expenditures but large economic losses of other sorts.

(B) The cost, per patient, of preventive treatment for hypertension would remain constant even if such treatment were instituted on a large scale.

(C) In matters of health care, economic considerations should ideally not be dominant.

(D) Effective prevention presupposes early diagnosis, and programs to ensure early diagnosis are costly.

(E) The net savings in medical resources achieved by some preventive health measures are smaller than the net losses attributable to certain other measures of this kind.

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The many fatal strokes and heart attacks resulting from untreated hypertension cause insignificant medical expenditures but large economic losses of other sorts.
a的选项说的是,许多由未经治疗的高血压导致的致命中风和心脏疾病 花费的医疗费用虽然很少,但是会到产生其他类型的巨大经济损失。


A,意识就说,没有预防P的治疗花费很多,而且还有其他的花费~ 削弱原文说,不够经济~  

C,说的是,经济问题在健康问题面前,不是问题. 也就是,老子要命不要钱~ 这个脱离了文章讨论的问题.文章要你削弱不经济,你直接把出题者给枪毙了.这怎么行呢?

脱离了削弱主逻辑线的范围.   预防P ---不经济~


谁能给把A选项解释一下呢 感谢?!





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