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120. In Europe, schoolchildren devote time during each school day to calisthenics. North American schools rarely offer a daily calisthenics program. Tests prove that North America children are weaker, slower, and shorter-winded than European children. We must conclude that North American children can be made physically fit only if they participate in school calisthenics on a daily basis.
Which one of the following is assumed in the passage?
(A) All children can be made physically fit by daily calisthenics.
(B) All children can be made equally physically fit by daily calisthenics.
(C) Superior physical fitness produces superior health.
(D) School calisthenics are an in indispensable factor in European children’s
(E) North American children can learn to eat a more nutritious diet as well as to exercise daily.

121. Observatory director: Some say that funding the megatelescope will benefit only the astronomers who will work with it. This dangerous point of view, applied to the work of Maxwell, Newton, or Einstein, would have stified their research and deprived the world of beneficial applications, such as the development of radio, that followed from that research.
If the statements above are put forward as an argument in favor of development of the megatelescope, which one of the following is the strongest criticism of that argument?
(A) It appeals to the authority of experts who cannot have known all the issues involved in construction of the megatelescope.
(B) It does not identify those opposed to development of the megatelescope.
(C) It launches a personal attack on opponents of the megatelescope by accusing them of having a dangerous point of view.
(D) It does not distinguish between the economic and the intellectual senses of “benefit”.
(E) It does not show that the proposed megatelescope research is worthy of comparison with that of eminent scientists in its potential for applications.

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120选D呀   它说欧洲学生比北美学生强,然后就说北美学生唯一能加强体质的是锻炼,这中间就有个假设就是欧洲学生是锻炼出的身体


120开始我也错了,但是现在觉得D是肯定对的。这个题目就是要找出他因来吧~说欧洲孩子比美国的孩子更健康,他们之间的不一样的一点就是一个经常健美啥的,一个很少,这个成立的前提是健美与否是欧洲和美国孩子之间唯一的或者是不可或缺的一个不同点,没有别的办法可以达到同样的效果了。其中,only if和indispensable相呼应。





欧洲weaker, slower, and shorter-winded,就是less healthy.而文章结论

是说calisthenics有助于提高physically fit。 存在逻辑gap:“health是

否就等于physically fit ”。答案提供的假设填补了这一GAP



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