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Hello my friend.  Generally, the answer to your question is that

YES, you DO need work experience to apply to a top MBA.  There are

some exceptions, like Harvard’s 2+2 program, for instance.  But you

will need TWO years of experience, generally speaking, to apply to

most great programs.  So get the experience, and go take over the

world dude!  I will leave the other question (how hard is it to get

a great job out of bschool) to some other experts on the board.  One

thing though is for sure—it will be easier to land a great job with

a Magic 7 MBA, than without one.  And that is true no matter what

country you travel to my friend.  J  Hope this helps, and good luck.


同意楼上 你至少也得有两三年的全职工作经验再申请 我想才能更大的发挥MBA的作用



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