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求教逻辑大全一题 谢谢

20.   TheAsian American History Association receives approximately 1,000 proposals eachyear from individuals who wish to present papers at its annual meeting. The association’sofficers would like to ensure constant standards of quality in thepresentations from year to year. The officers have therefore decided to acceptfor presentation each year only the best 300 papers selected on the basis ofthe quality of the proposals submitted.
Of the following, the best criticism ofthe officers’ plan is that the plan assumes that
(A)Professional associations cannot accept all papers submitted for presentationat their annual meetings.
(B) The totalnumber of proposals submitted to the association will remain at approximately 1,000 in future years.
(C) Each proposalsubmitted to the association deserves to be considered a serious candidate forpresentation.
(D) It isdifficult to judge the quality of a paper on the basis of the proposal alone.
(E) The best300 papers submitted to the association for presentation will be of the samequality from year to year.

这题选E 我选D
文章说每年都要挑选3oo个最好的paper 我觉得让他不可行不就是说很难判断到底哪个好么?不是应该是D吗?
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这题和蓝皮前面一道灯泡检验异曲同工哦- -


这样啊 谢谢!!


问题:Of the following, the best criticism of the officers’ plan is that the plan assumes that




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