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OG 12 CR 第60题

Red blood cells in which the malarial-fever parasite resides are eliminated from a person's body after 120 days. Because the Parasite cannot travel to a new generation of red blood cells, any fever that develops in a person more than 120 days after that person has moved to a malaria free region is not due to the malarial parasite.

which seriously weakens the conclusion above?

C)Many malarial symptoms other than the fever, which can be suppressed with antimalarial medication, can reappear within 120 days after the medication is discontinued

D) In some cases, the parasite that causes malarial fever travels to cells of spleen, which are less frequently eliminated from a person's body than are red blood cells


看了错误解释我还是没弄明白,他说:C) The argument give no reason to postulate any significant connection between the discontinuation of medication and the issue of whether symptoms can persist after a patient has been in a malaria-free region for 120 days

为什么no reason? 我觉得C逻辑挺正确的,就是如果潜伏到120天之后,如果停止服药的话,还是会重新因为malaria发病。

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C:other than the fever病症范围错误,而且选项说在药物终止之后120天内,题目说在去无菌区之后120天之外,时间起始范围也错了


ah...原来在这点上! 拜谢楼上~


按照C的逻辑,即使120天后再发疟疾,也不会有发烧这一症状,只会有“other than fever”的症状。如果该病人发烧的话会是因为其他原因,所以不削弱原文观点。




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