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It is true that both men and women that those who marry as young adults live longer than those who never marry. This does not show that marriage causes people to live longer, since, as compared with other people of the same age, young adults who are about to get married have fewer of the unhealthy habit that can cause a person to have a shorter life, most notably smoking and immoderate drinking of alcohol
Which of the following strengthens the argument above?
D. Among people who marry as young adults, most of those give up an unhealthy habits after marriage do not resume the habit later in life
E. Among people who as young adults neither drink alcohol immoderately nor smoke, those who never marry live as long as those who marry
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If  giving up an unhealthy habits CANNOT help people live longer,

why not everyone takes up smoking and drink to live longer?


i personally don't think D explicitly addresses that people can live a longer life throug marriage, rather, it just states that people can give up some unhealthy habits.


If D is right, then marriage CAN help people to live longer.  This would be a WEAKENER if you know the conclusion of the argument is "This does not show that marriage causes people to live longer." We are asked to find a STRENGTHENER.  So choice D is a 180 type of choice.



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